Dive into Oracle ADF

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Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper IDE

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Friday, May 23, 2003

Also got a nice note from Tiago Nodari in Brazil asking for more info about JDeveloper 9.0.5 for folks that won't be able to attend JavaOne. Good idea. I'll make a point of highlighting some of the major new features coming up here on this weblog. I'm just working this week on a FAQ document about the new features in the frameworks and visual tools areas of the product for JavaOne. I'll post a link to it here when it goes live on OTN.
9:28:11 PM    

I got an email today from Charly Schmid at Trivadis in Switzerland that brought back memories. I met Charly when I was working in Oracle Technical Support helping customers solve problems with our SQL*Forms 3.0 product, back in 1990/1991. I was told one day to hop on a plane from San Francisco to Basel, and help out the world leader in precision scales find and workaround a memory leak problem they were having. Charly was working at Metter-Toledo at the time, and when I met him he was typing away sitting on a huge Gymball as his chair. The Forms application was talking to robots that would zip up and down the narrow aisles of parts bins (stacked to the ceiling!) and pluck out the right items and bring them back into a bin at the operator's station. It was the first time I got to see what people really did "out there" with our software. All my customer experiences up to that point had been over the phone. We've crossed paths many times since then at various Oracle conferences and more recently Java events. Always nice to hear from Charly.

9:24:09 PM    

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