Dive into Oracle ADF

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Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper IDE

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Monday, May 26, 2003

In JDeveloper 9.0.5, we're streamlinging the way you see and work with application components. While the existing System Navigator is still available, the new Application Navigator is the default and will hopefully become most developers' interface of choice for working with their projects.

Application Navigator

In previous JDeveloper releases, even if application artifacts were organized into the same package, depending on the type of object they were, they might appear grouped separately in the System Navigator. For example, a project that uses BC4J components together with EJB Session Beans might have both an application module and an EJB Session Bean in the same package. These would not show up next to each other in the System Navigator, even though they were both in the same package. With the new Application Navigator, the Java package structure becomes the natural way to organize all of your application components and the components show up where you expect them to be based on that.

Another thing is that for components like enterprise JavaBeans and BC4J components that are comprised of possible several implementation files and an XML deployment descriptor, we now present these in a more uniform way. Rather than making you expand the container nodes like the "DeptView" view object to the right, you can use the structure pane to see all of the implementation files in a convenient place, but more importantly, you can select quick-navigate context menus like "Goto View Object Class" on any view object, and the appropriate source code file will open in the Java editor.  If your view object also had a custom Java resource bundle, for example, an additional "Goto Resource Bundle Class" context menu item appears.

Tree Package View

We've even enabled the property inspector so that by the production release, many of the typical BC4J component properties (or attribute level properties) can be set by clicking on the component (or on the attribute) and setting the properties in the property inspector.

Given that all components are now organized by package in a uniform way, when you switch to display your project by "tree-structure" packages instead of flat package mode shown at the left, you get a nice way of dealing with large projects having lots of package hierarchy structure.

12:17:35 PM    

© Copyright 2008 Steve Muench.