Dive into Oracle ADF

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 Dive into Oracle ADF   Click to see the XML version of this web page.   (Updated: 2/3/2008; 8:13:31 PM.)
Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper IDE

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Monday, September 08, 2003

This article I've been working on for the last few weeks (in between helping find last minute show-stopper problems to get JDeveloper 10g Preview out the door) explains the basics of the new Oracle Application Development Framework's Data Binding layer.

It gives an overview of the ADF's runtime and design time data binding facilities and puts the concepts into practice with a simple sample application. It's a special OracleWorld draft that will be eventually uploaded to OTN once I get back to the office.

I'm posting this from a T-Mobile wireless hotspot in the Starbucks on the corner of O'Farrell and Cyril Magnin Place in San Francisco, near the Moscone Center where OracleWorld is happening this week.


10:53:04 PM    

The downloadable bits are now in place and available on OTN for JDeveloper 10g.

Visit the Product Tour and Download page, and don't forget to checkout the demos and tutorials available. They will help you get the smoothest start with this new major release.

Once you download and startup the tool, pick Help | Release Notes from the main menu to read over any known issues with the preview.

I'm still finishing up my primer article on Oracle ADF data binding, but I'll post it here as soon as I'm done with it.

8:45:46 AM    

© Copyright 2008 Steve Muench.