Dive into Oracle ADF

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Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper IDE

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September 2003
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Thursday, September 18, 2003

A cool new feature that debuts in JDeveloper 10g Preview is our visual XML Schema Editor. In the JDev 10g Preview release there are still a few known issues and missing features which are outlined in the release notes, but for viewing and editing of XML schemas, it's much nicer than coding them by hand. You can watch a viewlet demo of the XML Schema Editor in action, from the JDev 10g Product Tour page, or give it a spin yourself by downloading the preview release.

4:46:23 PM    

The California Public Employee's Retirement System (CalPERS) won recognition from the National Association of State Chief Information Officers for their self-service web application named ACES (Automated Communication and Exchange System) which they built using JDeveloper and BC4J along with controller technology from Oracle Consulting. Congratulations.

4:25:40 PM    

I visited an Oracle Partner and heavy BC4J/JClient user yesterday, a software house in Pordenone, Italy, and one of the topics that came up was a question about what the roadmap for our upcoming JDeveloper releases looked like. The fact that we recently rebranded products (including JDeveloper) to carry the "10g" branding didn't simplify the explanation, since there will be versions of products with the 10g brand, carrying version numbers like 9.0.X. After two attempts to explain in words what the upcoming releases were failed to completely get the point across, I went up to the whiteboard and drew a picture like this:

The picture, as they say, was worth a 1000 words. One point that I also drew onto the diagram at the customer site was the point that the BC4J 9.0.4 subcomponent of JDeveloper 9.0.4 is virtually identical to the BC4J subcomponent of the JDeveloper maintenance release. This is because we systematically backported all fixes from the BC4J 9.0.4 code line back to the BC4J code branch. This only applies to the BC4J framework (but holds for both design time and runtime). This means that in addition to having all 9.0.4 BC4J bug fixes and few new features (like the new RANGE_PAGING paging mode), the JDeveloper also contains the small but useful enhancements to our design time like the ability right-mouse on a component and "Move package..." to change what package a component belongs to more easily, as well as to edit the control hints of all Entity and View Object attributes from a single dialog like this:

12:20:29 PM    

All OracleWorld 2003 San Francisco presentations and papers are now posted on OTN.

The talk I did in the Application Development Tools area was called "Building Your First End-to-End J2EE Application Using Oracle JDeveloper 10g " (Paper# 40230).

11:57:47 AM    

© Copyright 2008 Steve Muench.