Dive into Oracle ADF

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Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper IDE

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September 2003
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Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Mark writes in to ask, "In JDev version 9.0.2 under Tools => Preferences under Connections there was a setting 'Show All Database Schemas'. It's not there in 10g. Is there another way to accomplish the same thing? In my experience, DB application schemas are not typically owned by developer accounts."

In 10g, we have introduced new support for filtering the schemas that you see under a connection, as well as the type of schema objects you see under a schema. So, in 10g, you do the following:

  • In the connection navigator, expand the "Database" folder.
  • Click on a connection node like "scott"
  • Right-mouse and select "Apply Filter"
  • Shuttle all of the desired "Available Schemas" into the Displayed Schemas list.

If you only want to see Tables, or only Tables and Stored Procedures, you can click on a schema node and Apply Filter to filter that as well.

8:41:15 PM    

A frequently asked question is, "How can I get my employee entity to post before its related department entity to avoid getting an Oracle error due to a missing foreign key value?"

You have two approaches. One is to mark the association between the parent and the child entity as a composition on the "Association Properties" panel of the association editor. The framework automatically enforces the insert and delete order of composition associations. If you don't have a composition in practice, you can write code in the child entity class (in my example, the Employee entity) which does a simple check to see if it's related parent department entity instance is new, and if so go force it to post first, before posting itself.

The code would look like this:

* [Code from EmployeeImpl.java]
   * Force new DepartmentImpl entity instance to post before new EmployeeImpl
   * instance if Employee has a related Department
  public void postChanges(TransactionEvent e) {
    /* If this entity instance is NEW (meaning it's going to get inserted) */
    if (getPostState() == STATUS_NEW) {
      /* Get the associated Department instance */
      DepartmentImpl departmentForThisEmployee = getDepartment();
      /* If the associated Dept instance is still NEW, post it first */
      if (departmentForThisEmployee != null &&
          departmentForThisEmployee.getPostState() == STATUS_NEW) {

11:49:49 AM    

Babu keeps the JDeveloper 10g Preview impressions coming with a posting about using JDev 10g for Web Service client development. He explains the steps to play with the web service methods in the Google API using JDeveloper 10g. One nice comment that caught my attention, "...in the context of web service consumers, Oracle JDeveloper is just as easy as VS.NET."
9:56:23 AM    

Rob makes quick work of yesterday's Linux font challenge and posts the simple instructions for how to leverage the nice-looking Bitstream Vera fonts under Gnome for JDev 10g.
9:32:12 AM    

Babu, an Eclipse user, gives JDeveloper 10g a try on Linux and likes what he sees...

Rob Clevenger, our resident Linux guru on the JDeveloper product management team, says we've already filed bugs to track fixing the JDK version warning issue and the maximize button not working problem). We're currently looking into the issue about the Gnome Fonts and why they don't show up.

12:02:23 AM    

© Copyright 2008 Steve Muench.