Dive into Oracle ADF

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Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper IDE

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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The JHeadstart 10g 10.1.2 release for Oracle JDeveloper/ADF 10.1.2 is now available on OTN for download and evaluation. It comes with excellent documentation in the form of the JHeadstart Developer Guide (pdf) that helps you understand how to make the most of the JHeadstart editors and application generator. The developer's guide includes a full chapter describing the layered extensions to the base ADF framework that your JHeadstart-generated application uses to support the various sophisticated runtime features that it allows you to leverage. These extensions are things you would otherwise need to author yourself by reading various How to articles, OTN samples, or figuring them out on your own.

On its own, the combination of Oracle ADF plus Oracle JDeveloper gives developers a productive, visual environment for building richly functional J2EE applications without having to focus on J2EE design patterns and low-level plumbing code. And as it's name implies, Oracle JHeadstart gives offers an additional, significant leg-up in creating sophisticated web-based, J2EE business apps. Standing squarely on the shoulders of the base Oracle ADF framework, Oracle JHeadstart adds an additional capability for generating fully-working ADF UIX or JSP view and controller layers on top of the data model exposed by your ADF application module. The ADF web applications you generate with JHeadstart can easily support multi-row editing, LOV's with validation, tree and shuttle displays, and consistent search pages, among many other features that you can select declaratively.

JHeadstart automates creating and iteratively evolving a best-practices view and controller layer of your ADF application that you could build page-by-page using JDeveloper itself, but which JHeadstart can generate for you based on a declarative application structure definition. Once you've allowed JHeadstart to generate the bulk of your application interface, you can spend your time tailoring it or concentrating your effort on real showcase pages that need special attention.

For customers working today with Oracle Designer, used to model-driven, repository-based generation of complete applications, JHeadstart offers the one-two productivity "punch" that combines an enhanced generation of ADF Business Components from a Designer module component, as well as a fully-working UIX or JSP web application built on top of them.

12:12:26 PM    

© Copyright 2008 Steve Muench.