Dive into Oracle ADF

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 Dive into Oracle ADF   Click to see the XML version of this web page.   (Updated: 2/3/2008; 9:16:17 PM.)
Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper IDE

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Monday, March 14, 2005

Andrej blogs about Marathon, a open source tool for recording and playing back regression tests for Swing-based applications. The recorded scripts are written in Python, so if you know Python you can also hand-write and/or edit the scripts as well.

1:15:43 PM    

In JDeveloper 9.0.4 and earlier, we shipped a number of Business Components samples along with the product in the ./BC4J/samples directory. The product management team decided that it would be more easy to keep the examples up to date by pulling them out of the product and putting them on OTN on the JDeveloper Sample Code page instead. I realized today, however, that one example that didn't make the jump to OTN was the example that illustrated the programmatic use of Application Module Pooling. I've updated the sample for JDeveloper 10.1.2 and added it as sample #25 on my not yet documented samples page. See the TestPoolServlet.java class for comments that explain the API's in use.

10:46:57 AM    

I updated my Most Commonly Used ADF Business Components methods document to reflect some advice I gave to a user on the OTN JDeveloper forum about what methods to use to perform view object setup logic. Depending on your needs, you either override the create() method of the ViewObjectImpl class, or the prepareSession() method of your AppliationModuleImpl class. Details in the paper linked above.

9:46:35 AM    

© Copyright 2008 Steve Muench.