Updated: 3/28/2005; 11:20:38 AM.
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Saturday, March 13, 2004
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More Photoshop curiousities. When you create a marquee (blinking selection box), and then you want to move it (fine-tuning), you click anywhere inside the box. I might never have figured that out if I had not resorted to RTFM.

My mental model was that you would adjust it by using the Move tool, and clicking on one of the sizing handles to move just one part of the frame, or anywhere else on it to move all of the frame. But no--that simulatneously executes the crop, and then moves the cropped portion over the surface of your image. Not something I am likely to do, at this stage in my photo-editing career, but if I had thought to do it, I would have guessed that you would accomplish it by the "grab" motion, described above.

1:30:48 PM    comment []
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I've been putting it off for a while, but I finally dipped my toes in the water of editing photos with Adobe Photoshop Elements. It's fairly initimidating. Hard to believe it is only the lite, consumer version of Photoshop Pro. Fairly overwhelming.

The interface is clearly well-thought-out, but it is also very clearly shows its Mac heritage. Lots of little things that just don't exist at all in the Windows world. Other weird stuff, like lots of alt-click. Trivial things seem hard to do. Like when I have selected an area with a marquee, and decide I don't like it, how do I get rid of the marquee. In Windows, ESC would do it.

Sigh, I'm going to have to read a book.

9:26:35 AM    comment []

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