STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:47:19 PM.




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Saturday, May 14, 2005

Brother Ed Michael, co-founder of Rail Operating Crafts United (ROCU), addresses members questions and concerns about Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU). In the process he gives us a glimpse of true union solidarity where differences are minimized, back-stabbing is pretty non-existent, and everyone is working to democratize their union.

To All:

The question has been raised (and we will get it again from most newcomers to our group) about TDU’s involvement in our efforts.  I am responsible for that and will explain.  I apologize for the length of this, but feel it is necessary for you to truly understand.

The merger of the BLE into the newly formed Rail Conference of the Teamsters brought about a big change to our constitution.  Two strong democratic powers (recall & referendum) were lost to our membership.  Nevertheless, I voted for the merger first because I believe we need the power of numbers to be adequately represented in the arena of today's politics and government.  Second because we were promised Teamster influence in ending the battles between the BLE and UTU. 

Concerned about those constitutional changes, I began researching the IBT (ok, I know, horse is out, so time to close the barn door).  During my research efforts, I stumbled onto TDU (Teamsters for a Democratic Union).  The name sounded good so I checked into it.  I combed their website, read an issue of Convoy Dispatch and Dan Labotz’s book, Rank and File Rebellion, and decided I would try a membership to learn more.

Trainmen and engineers alike are extremely skeptical because of the massive amounts of propaganda we have been subjected to in the battles between our respective unions’ hierarchies.  So I decided that the only way I could assure myself that TDU is the real thing was to attend  their annual convention which was held last fall in Cleveland. 

I stumbled into the biggest bunch of democratic union activists I had ever seen.  I was truly home.  I listened. I watched.  I asked questions galore.  What I found was an extremely diverse group of rank and file, working union members whose have been struggling long and hard to reform their union.  They haven't abandoned their union, they work to reform it.   They are well organized.  They stand up proudly for their beliefs.  They have won some battles, they have lost some battles.  They work hard to learn from their mistakes and losses.  They don’t quit.  They are everything I had longed to see in my own union.  TDU is all about educating the rank and file union member.  They teach members how to effectively stand up (on the job and in the union hall) for their rights.  They actively support those who seek true democracy and reform in the IBT.

As railroaders, we have all been part of the merger mania.  We have each experienced some of the resulting divisive crap.  People get lumped into groups, not only along craft lines, but according to what road they originated from.  That divisiveness has hurt us.  It has lead to distrust amongst ourselves, and the "labels" are damned demeaning.  I purposefully looked for that at the TDU convention.  There were Teamsters there from the whole gamut of the organization:  bakery workers, truckers, warehousemen, forklift operators, etc.  Not once did I hear a label.  Not once did I hear a disparaging remark.  Damn, it sure wasn't like standing in the locker room at work, or attending any convention of my own union.

So, I came away, from the convention, convinced.  I decided to put my money where my mouth and heart are.  The entrenched corruption still left in the IBT pisses me off.  Hoffa pisses me off.  So, add me to the active TDU membership roll.

My own union had totally discouraged, disgusted and demoralized me.  I was barely hanging on to the desire to stay as president of my division.  The ridiculous battle between the BLET and UTU was wrecking us.  Those battles were at the root of almost all our problems.  The carriers have long taken advantage of our divided houses.  Merger attempts by the Internationals had been ridiculous power grabs that benefited no one but full time officers.  So, newly empowered by my TDU experience, I began to think that maybe it is possible for the rank and file to do something about our problems.

But, I’m just an old country boy with hardly any organizing skills.  I’m a lousy communicator and know it.  How would such a rank and file movement begin?  So, I ran the idea by Gail Francis at TDU.  Gail doesn’t have her job at TDU just because she is a pretty face.  She is a capable, smart, experienced, no nonsense, and tough organizer.  (and she is going to kick my behind for saying so)  Her response was scary.  All she asked was, "How can we help you?"  Suddenly I was faced with having the help of an organization experienced in organizing rank and file movements.  Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it!  Gail put me in touch with a great like-minded guy, Ron Kaminkow.  We brainstormed, planned, and reached out and explained to people we each know, and here we are at the present. 

I am convinced that, together, we can do this thing.  Together, we can unite our crafts.  Together, we can put an end to the divided houses.  Together, we can empower our rank and file brothers and sisters in a united, democratic movement.

In Solidarity,
Ed Michael

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