STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:48:23 PM.




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Friday, May 20, 2005

We were recently reminded of a great website that we hadn't visited in awhile. CSX Sucks! captures some of the absurdity that is modern railroading and some of the outrage acquired by working as a rail, all done with a sense of humor. A page on their site has reminded us that when you go public in your criticism of big business, you draw the attention of all manner of big fish, some of whom are perhaps interested in shutting you down. The Distinguished Visitors page lists some of those big fish who are interested in what CSX Sucks! is up to, including

The Office of the President of the United States (POTUS)
The US Senate
The US House of Representatives
The Department of Justice
The US Accountability Office
The Department of Transportation
The Department of the Treasury
The Department of Homeland Security
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Social Security Administration
The Carlyle Group
The Heritage Foundation

and a whole bunch of financial and investment firms and organizations that are surely looking for anything to give them an edge in their investments. Also listed is a company called Cyveillance that describes its mission as;

Cyveillance provides online risk monitoring and management services, focused on helping organizations monitor the Internet for issues such as identity theft, fraud, security risks, unauthorized product distribution and many forms of brand abuse. Cyveillance web-based subscription services use proprietary technology to deliver relevant, actionable intelligence, drawn from the Internet, helping customers protect brand equity and intellectual property, reduce costs of fraud and mitigate mission-critical risk.

It would seem that someone might be looking into the possibility of using CSX "brand abuse" as a means of harrassing CSX Sucks! or even shutting them down. Which just confirms what we've suspected for a long time. A corporation can get so seriously big that it loses its ability to laugh at itself and possibly learn something.

Of course, until they tame what's left of Internet Anarchy, we still have some tools to reveal just who is watching us.

11:10:52 AM    feedback []  trackback []   Google It!

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