STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:48:32 PM.




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Saturday, May 21, 2005

UTU WON'T BE INTIMIDATED BY CARRIERS, trumpets UTU IP Paul Thompson in an April 18, 2005 editorial. He goes on to describe the traitorous way the carriers are violating crew consist agreements and admits

Among honorable people, a deal's a deal. You honor your promises. You don't welsh.

Nowhere is integrity and credibility more important than at the bargaining table.

Railroad executives, however, look upon their promises as flexible -- to be broken when convenient.

Now haven't we been pointing out that a first principle of Interest Based Bargaining, the latest UTU labor/management religion, is that the parties have to demonstrate GOOD FAITH? That they have to commit to implementing and honoring the WIN/WIN solutions that are produced by this magical protocol for conflict resolution? Faced with the obvious BAD FAITH of the carriers, what does Thompson proclaim? Not that we must convince the carriers that UTU makes a better contentious EQUAL ADVERSARY than an enemy, but that

The UTU must and will convince this current crop of railroad CEOs and labor negotiators that we make a better friend than an enemy.

The operative term is FRIEND. Still seduced by that old Interest Based Bargaining Black Magic. Is FRIEND a figure of speech that reveals more than intended? On a continuum from ENEMY to EQUAL ADVERSARY to FRIEND, where do you want your union coming down? Perhaps an ENEMY is too extreme for you. Although it is subject to debate, perhaps you feel that we must try to work with the carriers, to compromise, to reach what has always been assumed to be the goal of negotiation, some sort of MIDDLE GROUND. But to continue to hold on to the hope that we can become the carriers' FRIEND is too much for The Usual Suspect. A FRIEND is someone who is willing to sacrifice almost everything for you. Are you willing to sacrifice or give up almost everything for the carriers? I think not.

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Rail Operating Crafts United (ROCU)


"What We Stand For"


Unity of Operating Crafts:  For decades, the Carriers have played one craft off against the other to our mutual detriment. This lack of unity has contributed greatly to our lack of power, which has in turn hampered our ability to negotiate and enforce good contracts. We are unable to effectively confront the Carriers on issues of vital concern to our membership -- attendance, crew fatigue, discipline, safety, etc. -- because we are divided. We all lost out last round with RCO. Now, the carriers are demanding the elimination of our crafts altogether, the dismantling of FELA, drastic health care concessions, and more. In face of this aggressive attack, is there any doubt of the need for the greatest possible cross-craft unity?


An Immediate Cessation to Inter-Union Conflict:  We condemn the open warfare between the UTU and the BLET. We demand an immediate halt to the irresponsible and reckless name calling, mud slinging and finger pointing that the leadership have long engaged in. Both unions are guilty, both have sinned, both have a record of selling out the membership or this or that craft. It is time to call an immediate truce. ROCU is composed of both BLET and UTU members. We favor neither union in this destructive fratricide between brothers and sisters who are each others' natural allies.


Rank-and-File Democracy:  Union leadership is all-too-often out of touch with the needs and issues of the membership. We need a union that is built upon the democratic control of its members, not simply one built by amalgamating the respective top-heavy leadership and bureaucracies of the existing organizations. We need constitutional provisions that include, but are by no means limited to: direct election of officers at all levels, including General Chairmen; the right to recall of officers; term, salary and expenditure limits; and guarantees of protection for minority and dissenting views.


Membership Action:  In addition to building unity and democracy, it is of equal importance that we build a union based on the mass action of the members themselves. For too many years we have allowed our unions to be "led" by a small handful, while the average union member has remained uninformed, uninterested and uninvolved. In order to effectively stand up to the Carriers, we must overcome the cynicism, apathy and despair of the ranks, and build in its place a union of inspired, educated, and active members who are willing to take action on the job in defense of our jobs and our union.


Solidarity:  For years, we have allowed the Carriers to whipsaw craft against craft, member against member. It's time we returned to labor standard of "An injury to One is an Injury to All!" Only when we  stand up for each other, go to bat for each other, and  take action on the job in defense of each other, will we have a strong union. Remember, this is how unions -- BLET, UTU, or otherwise -- were built in the first place! If the trainmen on the BNSF in Portland are under attack, we ALL are under attack. When UP engineers are threatened, we ALL are threatened. ROCU strives to rebuild this spirit of solidarity.


No to Concessionary Bargaining:  After decades of concessionary bargaining, rail workers have practically come to expect lousy contracts. We say NO! to further give-backs at the bargaining table. If the union cannot at least maintain the current standard of living and working conditions for its members, it will become increasingly irrelevant in their lives. We pledge ourselves to oppose any and all concessions at the bargaining table, and pledge to build a fighting movement of rank-and-filers to take the necessary action to defend our jobs, our livelihoods, our rights and our union!


If you agree with the above, and would like to become involved with ROCU, please email us at or call 312-924-1437.

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