Railroad Tunnels and Vespa Lust
On Saturday I went riding with some friends, John Blaine and Joanne Mitani, in the bike club. We rode our bikes up Old Santa Cruz Highway and down Mountain Charlie Road (near Summit road on the way to Santa Cruz) and then came back the same way. John Blaine is a bit of a history buff and he showed me a train tunnel I didn't know existed. We stood on top of the tunnel and looked at the long abandoned right of way. When I got home I looked the place up in a book and saw a photo of a steam train taken in exactly the same location we were standing! Yesterday I just kicked back and took it easy. I went to Yoga in the morning and then took a long nap. I am still tired, like I might be getting a cold. Sue and I went to San Francisco on the 4th. We dropped off a bicycle for service at a bike shop then went to Golden Gate park. We went for a hike and visited the tea garden. After that we went to a scooter shop. We have been looking at getting a motor scooter. Here's what I am currently looking at.  I have been looking at scooters more and more, so far a PX200 looks like what I want. I checked out the Internet links. I even looked at Honda scooters. The Yamahas and Hondas looked funtional but boring. This is my current list of priorities for a scooter buy:
- Reliable (does not break often, repairable when it does.)
- Fun (easy to ride, a little campy, I like Italian styling!, not wickedly fast, but sporty)
- Economical (the bike and parts not outrageously expensive)
- Probably not this exact bike but something like it.
I do need to get my license for it. I still haven't figured all that out. I feel like I know what I am getting into with all of my cycling (I know how to lean into turns, etc.) I have ridden a bicycle fast on hills and compete with cars regularly city streets. Crashing on a bicycle at speed can't be that different than crashing a scooter. I drive a stick shift so a manual transmission doesn't intimidate me, neither does kick starting.
I think it would be perfect for "scooting" to work and around town. I should be able to beat traffic. Tonight Kenneth and I are going out to dinner and to a book store. Ken is doing well in summer school!
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