Monday, July 05, 2004
11:27:28 PM
1. |
Using Blogs To Dispense Venture Capital |
SecurityFocus Vulns
2. |
Vulns: Easy Chat Server Multiple Denial Of Service Vulnerabilities. Easy Chat Server is a web-based chat application for Microsoft Windows.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.38899E-013; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2592
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
It is reported that Easy Chat Server is susceptible to multiple denial of service vulnerabilities... |
10:27:11 PM
1. |
Fedora, SuSE And Mandrake Compared |
2. |
It's Getting More Dangerous Out There |
9:26:48 PM
1. |
Bulk Data Storage For The Common Man? |
SecurityFocus Vulns
2. |
Vulns: Apache Mod_SSL SSL_Util_UUEncode_Binary Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. mod_ssl provides an interface for accessing the OpenSSL libraries from within Apache.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.60954E-034; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2590
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
A stack-based buffer overflow has been reported in the Apache mod_ssl module.
Th... |
8:26:37 PM
7:26:23 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Two essays on liberty, freedom, and patriotism. On this American holiday, two pieces that merit considered reading -- both via Dan Gillmor's blog. The first from Pete McCloskey in the SFChron: Patriotism (and shame) on the Fourth of July. "The word patriot is too precious to allow it to be used by the thundering rhetoric of politicians that patriotism requires not only supporting the troops but also supporting the foreign policy that puts them at risk."
The second, a Sunday column from Dan Gillmor in the SJMerc: "On Independence Day, 2004, how fares American liberty? Brilliantly, if you compare the United States with the tyrannies that still control the lives of countless people. Not badly, if liberty means the right to seek economic gain in a capitalist system -- especially if you're starting with the right connections and a privileged background. Not as well, when you look at growing pressures on longstanding freedoms."
And when you're done with those, may I suggest downloading the United States Constitution for your iPod, inserting earplugs, cranking up the volume, and taking a walk out there in the fresh summer air. |
2. |
Pushing Wi-Fi's Limits: Problems and Solutions |
SecurityFocus Vulns
3. |
BugTraq: [ GLSA 200407-05 ] XFree86, X.org: XDM ignores requestPort setting. Sender: Thierry Carrez [koon at gentoo dot org] |
The Register
4. |
China adopts mystery Internet Protocol. What the heck is IPv9? By John Leyden . |
5. |
Close the email wiretap loophole. Opinion Linguistic paradox By Mark Rasch, SecurityFocus . |
NewsIsFree: Security
6. |
CitiBank Scam Closes Browser |
7. |
Miller Group Centre Input Validation Vulnerability |
8. |
Easy Chat Server 1.2 Multiple Vulnerabilities |
9. |
Netegrity IdentityMinder Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability |
10. |
Cart32 Input Validation Vulnerability |
11. |
Enterasys XSR Security Router Denial of Service Vulnerability |
12. |
DLINK 624 Script Injection Vulnerability |
13. |
SCI Photo Chat Server 3.4.9 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability |
6:26:06 PM
5:25:37 PM
4:25:15 PM
3:24:54 PM
2:24:36 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Mark on vacation until July 11. No entries from me for the next week -- I'll be in the unwired hills until Saturday. |
2. |
New issue of Eightball -- finally. It's been over two years since Dan Clowes put out an issue of Eightball, one of my favorite comic book series. I haven't seen it yet, but the cover looks neat.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.2627E-147; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2508
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
[Eightball #23 is] another self-contained, full-color, oversized masterpiece like the award-winning previous issue! Featuring the first appearance of... THE DEATH-RAY! The best-selling author of Ghost World tells the story, set mostly in the 1970s, of a teenager granted mysterious powers and the irrevocable changes in his life that accompany them.
3. |
Shape-shifting rolling robots. Japanese researchers in Ritsumeikan University have built small, rolling "soft robots" that pull themselves along by shifting their shape. The wheels are fabricated from a flexible plastic with spokes made from shape memory alloy, a common robotics material that shortens when heated from current flowing through it. From a New Scientist article:
"The rolling robots perform well on flat surfaces and can even scale 20-degree slopes. By flattening itself as much as possible and then pinging back to a circular shape - driven by the elasticity of the outer rim - a robot can leap 8 centimetres into the air. The engineers say that by combining three wheels in a mutually perpendicular arrangement, it should be possible to build a ball-shaped, steerable robot."
Link |
4. |
Security Statistics and Operating System Conventional Wisdom |
SecurityFocus Vulns
5. |
BugTraq: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Public Review of OIS Security Vulnerability Reporting and Response Guidelines. Sender: dave [dave at immunitysec dot com] |
6. |
BugTraq: [ GLSA 200407-04 ] Pure-FTPd: Potential DoS when maximum connections is reached. Sender: Thierry Carrez [koon at gentoo dot org] |
7. |
BugTraq: XSS in 12Planet Chat Server 2.9. Sender: Donato Ferrante [fdonato at autistici dot org] |
8. |
BugTraq: Re: [Dailydave] Re: [Full-Disclosure] Public Review of OIS Security Vulnerability Reporting and Response Guidelines. Sender: Halvar Flake [HalVar at gmx dot de] |
Help Net Security
9. |
The allure and curse of complexity |
10. |
HNS Newsletter issue 220 has been released |
11. |
IEEE approves 802.11i security spec |
12. |
The future of instant messaging - simple, secure, and self-managed |
13. |
Hackers grab bank details with fake ad |
14. |
NewsIsFree: Your own Advanced News Reader and Feed Publisher. Read news from thousands of news sources updated every 15 minutes on the most powerful news aggregator.
Create custom feeds with more items, descriptions, select your version of RSS...
Check out NewsIsFree's services!
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
5 Jul W32/Lovgate-F |
16. |
17. |
18. |
19. |
20. |
Newest Pattern: 1.927.00 |
21. |
22. |
Hackers grab bank details with fake ad |
23. |
First security scare hits next-generation Internet |
24. |
Automatic backups with rsync and Anacron |
25. |
Route tracing with PHP |
26. |
Managing network policy |
27. |
School teaches 'ethical hacking' to computer students |
28. |
The allure and curse of complexity |
29. |
HNS Newsletter issue 220 has been released |
30. |
IEEE approves 802.11i security spec |
31. |
The future of instant messaging - simple, secure, and self-managed |
32. |
Microsoft offers IE flaw workaround |
1:24:16 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Pyro Geek Fourth. I spent the 4th of July with a bunch of pyrotechnic geeks. By day, they're pyro experts, prop creators, and special effects managers for movies in Hollywood. For fun, a bunch of them -- all pals of a special effects technician named Hutch -- got together to do a fundraising fireworks display for the Southern California city of La Crescenta. I followed them around all day long as they set up mortars with shells, I learned the difference between concussion and detonation, witnessed a beautiful fireworks display. Afterwards, everyone walked the firing field to look around for un-exploded shells, embers, or other dangerous debris, and there was this. What you see here is what happens when one of the fireworks units doesn't blow up as intended (shoot up into the air to make a pretty display). In this case, the composite has detonated down inside the shell, creating what's known as a "flower pot." There's not much left of the shell. Link to full-size image, more snapshots later. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Music Downloaders Hit by Acronym Cacophony (Reuters). Reuters - In the age of instantaneous
Internet downloads, music fans have more to consider than just
the name of the artist when they buy a recording. |
3. |
USA, UK, Australia Sign Anti-Spam Memorandum |
4. |
MSN's Slate Recommends Firefox over IE |
5. |
ISECOM 2004 - Forum and Exhibition |
The Register
6. |
ACI to outsource notebook output to India. Ethos production moves from the UK By Tony Smith . |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
HNS Audio Learning Session: SQL Injection Attacks |
8. |
NEW: Wife, son of N.M. soldier killed |
9. |
NEW: Family awaits word on Marine |
10. |
Kurds demand death for Hussein |
12:23:56 PM
11:23:34 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Lucie father sets up safety texts. The father of Briton Lucie Blackman killed in Japan launches a travel safety service using text messages. |
2. |
Evaluating Windows XP Service Pack 2 RC2 |
NewsIsFree: Security
3. |
DHS IG details wireless weaknesses |
4. |
Army plans network fortification |
10:23:13 AM
9:22:53 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Wimbledon winner couldn't call mom from the court. After Maria Sharapova won a Wimbledon tennis tournament, she had her dad pass down his cellphone to her on the court so she could call her mother in Russia in front of the crowd and on camera, a moment of perfect 20th Century techno-upstartness in the hidebound world of tennis. But in a moment of perfect 21st Century sods-law-itude, the phone wouldn't work.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 7.00812E-075; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2503
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Link |
2. |
New MPAA head is former Secty of Agriculture. Dan Glickman, the former US Secretary of Agriculture, has been named the new head of the MPAA, replacing Jack Valenti.
(Thanks, Bill!) |
3. |
Disease trading cards from CDC. 
The US Centers for Disease Control offer print-and-clip collectable disease trading cards.
(Thanks, Abby!)
4. |
Better mains plug. 
ID Magazine has given honourable mention in its annual design awards to Manabu Nishikawa's "ring plug" -- an improvement on the traditional mains-power-plug with a finger-sized ring for easy tugging.
(Thanks, Douglas!)
5. |
Turn FedEx tracking into RSS. Ben Hammersley has hacked a way to turn the tracking data from your FedEx package into an RSS feed.
(Thanks, Jean-Luc!) |
CNET News.com
6. |
Can VoIP survive Congress?. Washington this week will try to figure out what rules should govern VoIP, a process that CNET News.com's Declan McCullagh predicts is fraught with problems. |
7. |
RFID a retail revolution?. Knowledge@Wharton examines whether RFID is fated to become the next big thing or just another fancy flop. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Digital Video Makes Inroads With Police (AP). AP - A TiVo-style digital video system makes it easier for officers to record law breakers and avoid frivolous lawsuits, while saving them valuable storage space unlike bulky analog tapes. |
9. |
Two Men Accused of $11M Internet Scam (AP). AP - The FBI is investigating an alleged Internet scam that has raised $11 million from 1,600 investors nationwide during the past 17 months. |
10. |
Taiwan's Pixart Reaps Camera Phone Boom, Eyes IPO (Reuters). Reuters - Taiwan's Pixart Imaging Inc., a designer
of digital camera chips, expects 2004 revenue to grow well
beyond its own forecast of 33 percent amid booming sales of
camera-equipped cellphones, the firm's president said on
Monday. |
11. |
Technology Thwarts Centenarian Sprint Record (Reuters). Reuters - 100-year-old Philip Rabinowitz says
faltering technology will not stop him proving he is the
fastest centenarian on two legs. |
12. |
The Software Politics Of 2004's Presidential Race |
The Register
13. |
Software patents under attack. EFF goes after ten most wanted By Lucy Sherriff . |
14. |
US group lobbies for the airborne mobile. Only for games, though By electricnews.net . |
15. |
UK small.biz rejects outsourcing. Not today, thank you By Startups.co.uk . |
16. |
EU ruling set to can business spam. Opt-out clause By Startups.co.uk . |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Squid 2.5.*-STABLE and below NTLM authenticate Remote Exploit |
8:22:34 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
NotCon video online. The video is online from NotCon, the UK geek conference that I spoke at a couple weeks ago along with Danny O'Brien, Brewster Kahle, Matt Jones, Bill Thompson and others. Brewster's talk was fantastic.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 8.71598E-251; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2502
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
(Thanks, Tom!) |
2. |
Turn any website into an RSS feed for $2. Bootleg RSS, a service for scraping websites and turning them into RSS, is taking requests. If there's a site you'd like RSS-ified, ping Carlo and he'll make it into a feed for $2.
Now, I've thought about the how. Hosting feeds costs money, scraping feeds is taking time, and maintaining a feed can take some time as well. So, I'm offering you the following service. First read the list of things you get, then see whether you'd be willing to shell out a small one-time fee of $2.
Link |
3. |
Daily Show on Moore and F911. Lisa Rein has posted some captures from Michael Moore on the Daily Show (19MB Quicktime Link) and the Daily Show on Fahrenheit 911 (9MB Quicktime Link).
(via On Lisa Rein's Radar) |
4. |
Daily Show on Wal-Mart sex discrimination. Here's a fantastic clip of the Daily Show discussing the class-action suit against Wal-Mart for gender discrimination in payment (Wal-Mart pays women workers $2,000 less than the poverty line in annual wages).
6.7 MB Quicktime Link
(via On Lisa Rein's Radar) |
5. |
Chunky "Masai" raver shoes eliminate cellulite. The Masai Barefoot Technology shoe is a big raveware-looking sneaker that changes your gait to something like that of a barefoot Masai treading the grasslands and is rumoured to elliminate cellulite.
The shoe feels strange at first. The top two-thirds of it look like a fairly orthodox running shoe, but the sole is bizarre. Two inches thick at the midpoint of the heel, it tapers gradually toward the toe and swoops upward at the rear, creating a cutoff effect. The wearer steps down on the fat part of the heel, the "sweet spot," and a springy sensor bounces back, encouraging the foot to roll forward toward the toe.
This, we are told, is the gait of the Masai people, renowned for walking great distances as they move their herds of cattle across the savannas of Kenya and Tanzania. They have no apparent cellulite.
Link |
6. |
Anti-roofie beer-lock.
A Welsh inventor has created a tamper-evident beer-bottle seal that women are meant to put over their drinks while they're in the toilet, as a means of foiling date-rape-drug dopers.
The plastic cap fits on the bottle and locks when a small 'key' is pulled from it.
When the drinker returns from the bar or toilet, it can be unlocked and a red warning light on the top of the cap lights up if anybody has attempted to remove it.
(via Engadget) |
7. |
Wimbedon winner couldn't call mom from the court. After Maria Sharapova won a Wimbledon tennis tournament, she had her dad pass down his cellphone to her on the court so she could call her mother in Russia in front of the crowd and on camera, a moment of perfect 20th Century techno-upstartness in the hidebound world of tennis. But in a moment of perfect 21st Century sods-law-itude, the phone wouldn't work.
Link |
8. |
Daleks boycott new Dr Who. A new BBC Dr Who series will not have any Daleks in it, because the estate of the creator of the Daleks has demanded creative control over any show that licenses the ambulatory homicidal pepper-mills.
For its part, the Terry Nation estate accused the Corporation of attempting to "ruin the brand of the Daleks". Estate representative Tim Hancock said: "We wanted the same level of control over the Daleks that we have enjoyed for the last 40 years. If the BBC wanted to re-make any of George Lucas' films, you can bet George Lucas would have something to say about it."
Link |
9. |
Kapor and co start a net-politics blog. Mitch Kapor (founder of Lotus and EFF) and friends have started a group-blog devoted to the way that the net is changing politics.
The modern corporation must be reformed. Accounting of a corporation's impact must include people's work lives, family, community, and the environment. More than this, we must discover what it will take to save capitalism from itself.
In an era of ever greater communication and more information, the need for education becomes ever more essential as a key to both economic opportunity and active citizenship. We must look at education as a lifetime endeavor and recast our entire education system. Quality education must be available to all, not just an elite.
(via Mitch Kapor's Blog) |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
10. |
When games collide with movies. The film industry is becoming more interested in gaming, says Daniel Etherington of BBC Collective. |
11. |
Colt Telecom hit by profit alert. A profits warning from Colt Telecom sees nearly a third of its share price wiped out. |
12. |
Lucie father sets up safety texts. The father of murdered Briton Lucie Blackman has launched a travel safety service using mobile phone text messages. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
13. |
Teenagers turn Internet blogs into a new social scene where they can hang out, flirt and share their thoughts (SiliconValley.com). SiliconValley.com - Seventeen-year-old Patrick Ly was so smitten with a certain classmate that he would visit an Internet blogging site to read his crush's musings. Then Patrick began to keep an online journal himself. |
The Register
14. |
Chip sales soar in May. Best month since Dec 2000 By Tony Smith . |
15. |
Intel to tackle Sempron with 'Celeron price cuts'. Stands up to value CPU challenge By Tony Smith . |
16. |
Cableco 'inside job' aided Dutch 419ers. Stolen modems drove spam tsunami By Jan Libbenga . |
17. |
IE workaround a non-starter. Disable Active Scripting, run for the hills By John Leyden . |
18. |
Vodafone's adult filter is go. The world is a safer, cleaner place By Lucy Sherriff . |
19. |
Seagate targets rival with import ban demand. Wants no products containing Cornice kit on US soil By Tony Smith . |
20. |
Payment card industry cleans up its act. No service for offensive websites By John Oates . |
21. |
Bank issues cashpoint warning. Watch yourselves out there By John Oates . |
22. |
Daleks invade New York. EX-TOI-MI-NATE! By Lester Haines . |
NewsIsFree: Security
23. |
IBM opens RFID test centre |
24. |
Sender authentication is coming |
25. |
Spanish Zombie PC virus author jailed |
26. |
Stupid user-selected passwords on nukes |
27. |
Fastream NETFile Server 'mkdir' Command Lets Remote Users Upload Files to Arbitrary Locations |
28. |
Linux VServer procfs Permission Flaw Lets Local Users Change Permissions |
7:22:14 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Advanced Google syntax. Here's a good guide to some undocumented and/or obscure Google search operators:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 8.20479E-164; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2501
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
If you start your query with allinurl:, Google restricts results to those containing all the query terms you specify in the URL. For example, [ allinurl: google faq ] will return only documents that contain the words "google" and "faq" in the the URL. This functionality can also be obtained through the Advanced Web Search page, under Occurrences.
In URLs, words are often run together. They need not be run together when you're using allinurl:.
In Google News, the operator allinurl: will return articles whose titles include the terms you specify.
(via MeFi) |
2. |
Wrangle over legal "smacking" and "chastisement" in the House of Lords. A pending amendment to a bill in the House of Lords will allow parents the option of "moderate smacking" but remove the defence of "reasonable chastisement."
Under the amendment, tabled by Liberal Democrat Lord Lester, parents causing harm, such as bruising or reddening of the skin, could be prosecuted.
Link |
3. |
EFF patent-busting in the NYT. My cow-orker Jason Schultz made the NYT this weekend in a piece about EFF's fight to bust crappy Internet patents. My favorite bit of the article is this bit of deadpan juxtaposition:
Another patent on the foundation's list covers a way to make telephone calls over the Internet. Mr. Schultz said the company holding that patent, Acceris Communications of Toronto, had drawn the group's attention by filing an infringement lawsuit against a relatively small service provider, ITXC, rather than larger companies like Vonage Holdings. Small companies rarely have the resources to fight infringement suits, Mr. Schultz said.
The president of Acceris, Kelly D. Murumets, rejected the charge that the company was pursuing only small rivals.
"Acceris has not targeted smaller players," Ms. Murumets wrote in an e-mail message. "In point of fact, and only after offering a license, Acceris filed a lawsuit against a major player" in the industry, ITXC.
(Thanks, Jason!) |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
BBC websites must redraft remit. The BBC has just under four months to redefine the remit for its online services, the government says. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Wireless: No summer holiday (TheDeal.com). TheDeal.com - The season will be anything but lazy for the U.S. telecommunications industry, with licenses for sale and a full regulatory plate. |
The Register
6. |
UK website flogs forged degree certificates. Cheaper than a student loan... By John Oates . |
7. |
Sender authentication is coming. A cure for spam? Sadly not By Datamonitor . |
8. |
Intel to tackle Sempron with Celeron 'price cuts'. Stands up to value CPU challenge By Tony Smith . |
9. |
Beehive pollinates Eclipse. A happy cross-fertilisation for developers By IT-Analysis . |
10. |
Spanish Zombie PC virus author jailed. Two years for Cabronator Trojan perp By John Leyden . |
11. |
Dell issues adaptor electric shock warning. Offers free fix to customers By Tony Smith . |
Wired News
12. |
Microsoft Posts Security Update. An interim fix issued by the software giant does not repair the flaw that makes a new technique for spreading viruses possible, but it changes Windows settings to disable hackers' ability to deliver malicious code with it. |
13. |
Israeli Nuclear Complex Online. The world got an official look at Israel's top-secret Dimona nuclear complex Sunday through a new website launched by the country's Atomic Energy Commission. But photos show only the exterior of a building. |
14. |
Violent Video Games Under Attack. Legislators and activists who want some titles kept out of kids' hands are on the warpath again against the video-game industry. Game makers, however, seem to delight in amping up the virtual gore. |
15. |
The Micro-Multinational. Worried about jobs going overseas? Don't. A new offshore recipe cooks up U.S. jobs. By Jason Pontin from Wired magazine. |
16. |
Paid Inclusion Losing Charm?. Microsoft and Ask Jeeves are dropping paid-inclusion links from their search engines, a move that's winning praise. Yahoo is the last major search engine that champions paid inclusion, but for how much longer? By Chris Ulbrich. |
6:21:53 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Hit-and-miss Driv3r. Arriving after a pre-release marketing campaign like no other, the third episode of the Driver series has plenty to live up to. |
2. |
Orange 3G gets July launch date. The mobile phone giant is to launch a 3G laptop plug-in card for business users, and says services for UK handset users will follow later in the year. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
PDAs Take a Seat at the Symphony (PC World). PC World - New York Philharmonic, other orchestras test PDA program that explains music being performed. |
The Register
4. |
UK website flogs false degree certificates. Cheaper than a student loan... By John Oates . |
5. |
IBM opens RFID test centre. French lab to trial chips, readers and apps By Datamonitor . |
6. |
May chip sales show 36.9% growth. Strong traditional sales pattern By Tony Smith . |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
Radical cleric defiant |
5:21:33 AM
1. |
Dilbert for 05 Jul 2004.  |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
'Magic ink' that makes metal grow. An eco-friendly and cheap metal printing method could revolutionise circuit boards and mini antennas. |
3. |
Eye Transplant Enables Blind Boy to See |
NewsIsFree: Security
4. |
New American Duty: Not Crossing the "Line" |
4:21:13 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Bloggers come of age in US presidential race (AFP). AFP - It started as a way to have a cyber-rant or just share a personal thought, but the blogger has become cutting edge media with a role to play even in the US presidential election race. |
2. |
Setting Up The Greenpeace Ship w/WiFi |
NewsIsFree: Security
3. |
5 Jul W32/Evaman-A |
2:20:34 AM
12:27:35 AM
© Copyright
Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
7/26/2004; 12:30:13 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves
(blue) Manila theme. |