Tuesday, July 06, 2004
11:27:59 PM
10:27:38 PM
9:27:14 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Congress mulls new Net phone rules. Bill would bar states from regulating VoIP, turning it over to FCC instead. But this could still mean higher costs for Net phone calls. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
IBM to Attune Quality Tools on Open-Source Hyades (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Saying that poorly made software costs enterprises more than $22 billion a year, the company's Rational division plans to standardize its automated software quality tools on an open-source platform. |
3. |
World Computer Chess Championships Underway |
InfoWorld: Top News
4. |
Microsoft's win on keyboard patents reversed. Microsoft Corp. faces a trial over patent infringement charges related to its ergonomic keyboards after a federal appeals court on Tuesday reversed a lower court's decision that invalidated the patents. |
SecurityFocus News
5. |
Infocus: Multi-Layer Intrusion Detection Systems. This article discusses mIDS, a system that brings together many layers of technology into a single monitoring and analysis engine, from integrity monitoring software such as TripWire, to system logs, IDS logs, and firewall logs. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
6. |
Vulns: Microsoft Internet Explorer Cross-Domain Frame Loading Vulnerability. Microsoft Internet Explorer is reported prone to a cross-domain frame loading vulnerability. It is reported that if the name of a frame rendered in a target site is known... |
8:26:52 PM
7:26:31 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Gateway-HP patent tussle continues. Patent dispute between PC makers enters another round, as Gateway files complaint with U.S. International Trade Commission. |
2. |
Atheros licenses technology from ARM. The move is meant to shorten the time it takes to get products to market. |
3. |
Briefly: Atheros licenses technology from ARM. roundup Plus: Acacia strikes first cable patent deal...T-Mobile to use Nortel billing technology...nLayers joins application management crowd...Unisys buys security consulting firm. |
4. |
IRS eyes Net phone taxes. A tax first enacted in 1898 to pay for the Spanish-American War might be reinterpreted to apply to Internet phone calls. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Veritas Shares Plunge on Profit Warning (Reuters). Reuters - Veritas Software Corp. on
Tuesday warned that quarterly profit and revenue would miss
Wall Street estimates due to sluggish U.S. demand for data
storage products, sending its stock down 36 percent. |
6. |
Yoxos to Help Unlock Eclipse's Potential (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Innoopract's open-source Eclipse distribution eliminates developers' need to spend time finding and downloading plug-ins. |
7. |
Kerry Relies on E-Mail for Edwards Announcement (Reuters). Reuters - The hottest political news of the
summer arrived on a tide of spam Tuesday morning as Democratic
presidential candidate John Kerry sent an e-mail announcing
Sen. John Edwards would be his running mate. |
8. |
Robots in Hospitals |
InfoWorld: Top News
9. |
Interview: IBM veteran Jim Stallings on Linux sophistication. In his first 18 months as general manager of IBM's worldwide Linux team, Jim Stallings has seen dozens of corporate shops and governments around the world push Linux from the periphery to the heart of their IT strategies -- never a bad thing for job security when you have the word "Linux" in your title. But with the open source operating system now more firmly entrenched, the next challenge for Stallings and his team is to help Linux drive IBM's companywide On Demand initiative deeper into corporate accounts with one hand while fighting the ongoing server battle against Windows with the other. |
10. |
Windows for Opteron beta doesn't support Nocona. Customers can now purchase workstations using Intel Corp.'s Nocona Xeon processor, with 64-bit extensions to the x86 instruction set, but they can't run the beta 64-bit version of Windows designed for those extensions on the new workstations. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
11. |
Vulns: Enterasys XSR Security Router Record Route Denial Of Service Vulnerability. Enterasys XSR Security Routers are hardware routers with firewall, VPN, and standard router capabilities built in.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 4.9225E-165; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2624
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Enterasys XSR Security Routers are reported prone to a... |
The Register
12. |
The CD roars back from the dead. Analysis Funny that, it never went away By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Andrew Orlowski in San Francisco). |
NewsIsFree: Security
13. |
Elsewhere: Spammers Latest Trick? Dumb Jokes |
6:26:14 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Kerry picks Gephardt?. Nope! The New York Post got some bad information and ran with it to the presses a little too early. According to a Reuters article, Post rival Daily News "sent a case of champagne to Post editors and a note, 'Congratulations on your front page. Have a nice day,' with a smiley face. The barb refers to a Post advertisement near the Daily News building showing improved circulation figures, with the words 'have a nice day' and smiley face."
Link (via a great notion) |
CNET News.com
2. |
The attack of the $2 million worm. Researcher says business disruptions caused by viruses cost an average of nearly $2 million in lost revenue per incident. |
3. |
Gateway-HP 'sue me, sue you' tussle continues. Patent dispute between PC makers enters another round, as Gateway files complaint with U.S. International Trade Commission. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Dell to Offer Linux-Loaded PCs in Europe (AP). AP - A line of Dell Inc. desktop computers running a version of the Linux operating system will be sold in Europe, broadening alternative offerings to Microsoft Corp.'s ubiquitous Windows software. |
5. |
Gateway Files Patent Complaint with ITC Against HP (Reuters). Reuters - Personal computer maker Gateway Inc.
(GTW.N) said on Tuesday that it filed a patent complaint with
the International Trade Commission against Hewlett-Packard Co.
(HPQ.N), one month after the ITC said that it would investigate
a complaint HP filed against Gateway. |
6. |
Besieged Movie Industry Suffers Record Takings |
SecurityFocus News
7. |
Elsewhere: Spammers Latest Trick? Dumb Jokes. Well, now you've done it. All those stupid jokes you've been sending around as friend spam has made spammers realize that to get past Bayesian spam filters, they shouldn... |
SecurityFocus Vulns
8. |
BugTraq: backdoor menu on conexant chipset dsl router (Zoom X3). Sender: Adam Laurie [adam at algroup dot co dot uk] |
5:26:03 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Analyst: iPods a network security risk. Gartner is urging companies to consider banning MP3 players and other gadgets that could be used to carry malware or steal data. |
2. |
Sierra smart phone debuts in Europe. New phone uses Microsoft software and will make its U.S. arrival within next two weeks, a move that puts pressure on Nokia. |
3. |
Search to keep Yahoo earnings upbeat. Analysts see growing demand for online advertising, which is Yahoo's good news. Google's Gmail may be the bad news. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Report: SMBs Wave of the CRM Future (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - The small to mid-size business (SMB) market remains ripe for CRM software sales, according to data collected by AMR Research. Next year, SMBs will increase their I.T. spending by 6.6 percent, and customer-management capabilities will be at the top of those companies' wish lists. |
5. |
Veritas Software's Stock Plummets (AP). AP - Veritas Software Corp. lost more than a third of its market value Tuesday after the company warned of an earnings shortfall that amplified investors' recent disenchantment with management. |
6. |
Yoxos to Help Unlock Eclipse's Potential (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Innoopract's open-source Eclipse distribution eliminates developers' need to spend time finding and downloading plug-ins. |
7. |
Conexant Earnings Hit by WLAN Price War (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - U.S. communications chip vendor Conexant Systems (Nasdaq: CNXT) has cut its earnings forecast for the third quarter, citing weaknesses in its wireless local area network (WLAN) business due to price competition. |
8. |
Digital Video Makes Inroads With Police (AP). AP - A TiVo-style digital video system makes it easier for officers to record law breakers and avoid frivolous lawsuits, while saving them valuable storage space unlike bulky analog tapes. |
9. |
Web Spammers Can Be Beaten in Two Years-Regulators (Reuters). Reuters - Millions of users may abandon the
Internet and phone messaging systems unless governments and
software companies join forces to block the spread of spam, key
figures in an anti-spam drive said on Tuesday. |
10. |
Who Wrote Linux? |
11. |
Hacking Quartz |
SecurityFocus Vulns
12. |
BugTraq: [OpenPKG-SA-2004.030] OpenPKG Security Advisory (png). Sender: OpenPKG [openpkg at openpkg dot org] |
13. |
BugTraq: xingtone opens server on desktop using undocumented protocol (probably http). Sender: Burton M dot Strauss III [BStrauss at acm dot org] |
The Register
14. |
Open source miracle horse stuns MS Japan. It's an immaculate OpenOffice gestation By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Ashlee Vance in Chicago). |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
Does Can-Spam Act Lead To More Spam? |
16. |
You Might Be A Spammer, Yes You |
17. |
M-Tech Shows Enterprise-Wide ID Management For Oracle |
18. |
U.S., U.K., Australia Forge Spam-fighting Pact |
19. |
New Bagle Worms Spread Source Code |
20. |
Mass. AG Uses Federal Law Against Spammer |
21. |
Corporate Losses From Internet-Based Attacks Average $2 Million |
4:25:39 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Federal VoIP legislation would bar state regulation. A bill introduced in the US House of Representatives would make the FCC the sole body responsible for regluating VoIP. Will there be fees and taxes along with FCC oversight? By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
2. |
As Slow As Possible. The sound of an E and E-sharp rang out of an abandoned German church yesterday. They were the latest organ notes in a musical piece that will take another 636 years to finish playing. Avant-garde composer John Cage (1912-1992) composed Organ2/ASLSP in 1985. The title comes from the tempo Cage had in mind when the work would be played: "as slow as possible." This performance at St. Burchardi Church in Halberstadt began September 5, 2001, but until last February the only sound was the building's natural ambience. Since then, a total of five notes have been played. National Public Radio has a page about ASLSP, including audio samples and an "All Things Considered" radio piece from last fall:
In a 1982 interview with NPR, John Cage revealed that he wanted to make his "music so that it doesn't force the performers of it into a particular groove, but which gives them some space in which they can breathe and do their own work with a degree of originality. I like to make suggestions, and then see what happens, rather than setting down laws and forcing people to follow them."
Link (to NRP site) Link (to AP article from yesterday) |
3. |
Kerry picks Gephardt?. Nope! The New York Post got some bad information and ran with it to the presses a little too early. According to a Reuters article, Post rival Daily News "sent a case of champagne to Post editors and a note, 'Congratulations on your front page. Have a nice day,' with a smiley face. The barb refers to a Post advertisement near the Daily News building showing improved circulation figures, with the words 'have a nice day' and smiley face."
Link (via a great notion) |
CNET News.com
4. |
Sony targets small biz with notebook offerings. Vaio line will be marketed to small and medium-size businesses--a tough nut that the electronics giant is eager to crack. |
5. |
Fear of viruses and poor protection grows. Majority of European businesses are bracing themselves for a barrage of viruses. Few believe they can weather the storm. |
6. |
Bagle back in business. The Internet worm raises its head again and lays bare the source code that gives it teeth. Also: Are corporate defenses tough enough? |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Court Reverses Microsoft Win on Patents (Reuters). Reuters - A federal appellate court on
Tuesday said a lower court erred in invalidating two patents
for ergonomic computer keyboards, dealing a blow to Microsoft
Corp. (MSFT.O), which fought to have them invalidated after
being sued by the holder of those patents. |
8. |
Dell to Ship Linux Desktops in Europe |
9. |
Surviving Distributed Denial of Service Attacks |
SecurityFocus News
10. |
Elsewhere: Irish programmer lifts MSDN security crown. Eamon O'Tuathail, an Irish software developer, has triumphed in the Microsoft Security Developer Championship, seeing off his rivals in the race for the $10,000 prize.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.03507E-244; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2608
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
M... |
11. |
Elsewhere: Reheated Bagle comes with side of source code. The author of mass-mailing worm Bagle began distributing its source code and two new variants on Sunday, which could trigger another summer of misery for Windows users.
.. |
12. |
News: Bagle source code unleashed. Virus writers are distributing viral source code with the latest version of the Bagle virus series, Bagle-AD. Much like its 29 predecessors, Bagle-AD is a mass-mailing worm that is packed using UPX file compression. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
13. |
BugTraq: Re: Microsoft and Security. Sender: Jason Coombs [jasonc at science dot org] |
14. |
BugTraq: BENCHMARK() is not the only way to determine successfull MySQL injection. Sender: Philip Stoev [philip at stoev dot org] |
15. |
BugTraq: RE: Microsoft technologies. By default, non-HIPAA compliant?. Sender: Anything But Microsoft [abm at anythingbutmicrosoft dot org] |
16. |
BugTraq: RE: Registry Fix For Variant of Scob. Sender: Drew Copley [dcopley at eEye dot com] |
17. |
Vulns: IBM Websphere Edge Server Denial Of Service Vulnerability. IBM WebSphere is a commercial web application server, which runs on a number of platforms including Linux and Unix variants and Microsoft Windows operating environments.
.. |
3:25:18 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Another Italian translation of my DRM talk. Domenico Della Side has posted another Italian translation of my DRM talk.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.30147E-087; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2607
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
(Thanks, Nico!) |
2. |
Classic Gamer #2 is online. The second issue of Classic Gamer magazine is out. CM is a lush, web-only hymn to the lost games of the 8-bit Golden Age, well-written and lavishly illustrated with images from classic game ads and other bumpf.
I would include a quote here to show you how nice this mag is, but the authors have opted to turn on PDF's ineffectual "protection," which keeps me from copying and pasting unless I go look up a crack, something I can't be bothered doing. Pretty regrettable -- and inexplicable -- decision.
7.6MB ZIPped PDF Link
(Thanks, Cav!) |
CNET News.com
3. |
Novell adds $600 million to war chest. Linux seller could use new funds from bond offering for more acquisitions. |
4. |
T-Mobile to use Nortel billing technology. A new "packet sniffing" product from the European cell phone service provider ensures correct billing. |
5. |
Acacia strikes first cable patent deal. Company claims to hold broad patent rights to streaming media technology. |
6. |
Briefly: Acacia strikes first cable patent deal. roundup Plus: T-Mobile to use Nortel billing technology...nLayers joins application management crowd...Unisys buys security consulting firm...Seagate widens legal assault on Cornice. |
7. |
IBM boosts midmarket partner play. Big Blue's new tools are designed to help partners sell to small and midsize businesses--a key area for IBM. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Singapore's digital music store relaunches with 250,000 songs (AFP). AFP - Singapore's Soundbuzz re-launched its digital music store with an expanded catalogue of more than 250,000 songs in a fresh attempt to capture the burgeoning demand for online music. |
9. |
PluggedIn: Price of PCs and Corporate Altruism (Reuters). Reuters - A pilot project in Africa
which aims to provide a single computer that can be used by
four school students simultaneously has stumbled across one of
the business world's basic facts of life. |
10. |
Broadband Blimps |
11. |
NIST Issues Windows XP Security Guide |
2:25:00 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
New Bagle variants, now with source code. The source code for Bagle has been released, along with two new variants. Will having the assembler-language source code available lead to a proliferation in Bagle variants? By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Dumbfuck Gartner report recommends banning iPods. Some jackass analyst at Gartner is advising employers to ban iPods and other personal storage tech from the workplace to prevent leakage of s33kr1ts from within the corporate hive. Likely successor recommendation: decapitating all outgoing employees.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.35685E-121; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2606
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
"Portable storage products can bypass perimeter defences like firewalls and antivirus at the mailserver, and introduce malware such as Trojans or viruses onto company networks."
Devices mentioned include "disk-based MP3 players, such as Apple's iPod, and digital cameras with smart media cards, memory sticks, compact flash and other memory media"...
"Businesses must ensure that the right procedures and technologies are adopted to securely manage the use of portable storage devices like USB keychain drives. This will help to limit damage from malicious code, loss of proprietary information or intellectual property, and consequent lawsuits and loss of reputation," the report stated.
Link |
3. |
Hamster cage casemod. 
The Extreme Tech crazy casemod winners are online -- including this case with an integrated hamster cage that has hosted a live rodent for years now.
(via Wonderland)
CNET News.com
4. |
Briefly: nLayers joins application management crowd. roundup Plus: Unisys buys security consulting firm...Seagate widens legal assault on Cornice...IBM takes radio tag testing to Europe...Digital downloads to go gold. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Fee-Based Web Music Hits Asia. But Where Is Apple? (Reuters). Reuters - Computer audio equipment maker
Creative Technology Ltd and online music service Soundbuzz.Com
launched an alliance on Tuesday aimed at capturing Asia's
infant fee-based online music market. |
6. |
NEC Takes Aim at Counterfeit Batteries (PC World). PC World - Software-based system verifies the legitimacy of batteries in cell phones and digicams. |
7. |
Copyright bill poses threat to iPod's future (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Apple's sleek digital audio device is one of the most successful tech toys, selling more than 3 million units since November 2001. |
8. |
First Doom3 Tourney @ QuakeCon |
InfoWorld: Top News
9. |
Veritas warns of earnings miss. Storage software maker Veritas Software Corp. warned Tuesday of lower-than-expected revenue in its just-ended second quarter, a shortfall it blamed on sluggish software license sales in the U.S. Veritas' shares plunged on the news, dropping 35 percent, to $17.33, in morning trading on the Nasdaq exchange. |
10. |
Executive Conversation: The Future of Instant Messaging is Simple, Secure, and Self-Managed |
The Register
11. |
Acquisitor takes control of Baltimore. Coup d'etat By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (electricnews.net). |
12. |
HP moots handheld PC comeback. Tide turning towards portable form factor? By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Datamonitor). |
13. |
Astronomers probe star wrapped in comets. Tau Ceti dubbed 'Asteroid Alley' By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Lucy Sherriff). |
14. |
BOFH: Addressing the Computer Usage Policy. Episode 22 Shredders at the ready By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Simon Travaglia). |
15. |
An IT director's lot is not a happy one. Tense, nervous headache By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (John Leyden). |
Help Net Security
16. |
NewsIsFree: Your own Advanced News Reader and Feed Publisher. Read news from thousands of news sources updated every 15 minutes on the most powerful news aggregator.
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NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Executive Conversation: The Future of Instant Messaging is Simple, Secure, and Self-Managed |
1:24:44 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
As Slow As Possible. The sound of an E and E-sharp rang out of an abandoned German church yesterday. They were the latest organ notes in a musical piece that will take another 636 years to finish playing. Avant-garde composer John Cage (1912-1992) composed Organ2/ASLSP in 1985. The title comes from the tempo Cage had in mind when the work would be played: "as slow as possible." This performance at St. Burchardi Church in Halberstadt began September 5, 2001, but until last February the only sound was the building's natural ambience. Since then, a total of five notes have been played. National Public Radio has a page about ASLSP, including audio samples and an "All Things Considered" radio piece from last fall:
In a 1982 interview with NPR, John Cage revealed that he wanted to make his "music so that it doesn't force the performers of it into a particular groove, but which gives them some space in which they can breathe and do their own work with a degree of originality. I like to make suggestions, and then see what happens, rather than setting down laws and forcing people to follow them."
Link (to NRP site) Link (to AP article from yesterday) |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
Fight night scores on points. BBC Sport reviews the hard-hitting boxing title Fight Night 2004. |
CNET News.com
3. |
eBay sellers file billing suit. Auction site faces class-action suit from members angered by problem with its billing system. |
4. |
Unisys buys security consulting firm. The company announces it has bought Baesch Computer Consulting, which focuses on the military market. |
5. |
Briefly: Unisys buys security consulting firm. roundup Plus: Seagate widens legal assault on Cornice...IBM takes radio tag testing to Europe...Digital downloads to go gold...WebMethods warns of wider loss. |
6. |
Australia signs on to global spam fight. Official sees hope in combination of government rules, self-regulation, industry initiatives, technical solutions and consumer awareness. |
7. |
nLayers joins application management crowd. Start-up makes its public debut, joining several other companies focused on reducing the cost of maintaining corporate data centers via better application management. |
8. |
"Evolved" Caches Could Speed the Net |
9. |
Ten-disc 'Matrix' DVD Box Set Planned |
InfoWorld: Top News
10. |
IBM Rational focuses on software quality. IBM Rational on Tuesday will announce plans to standardize its suite of automated software quality tools on the Hyades open source platform and is unveiling concurrently a software quality campaign dubbed “Continuously Ensure Quality,” or CEQ. |
InfoWorld: Security
11. |
iPods pose security risk for enterprises, Gartner says. The iPod may be popular, but also poses such a major security risk for businesses, that enterprises should seriously consider banning the iPod and other portable storage devices, according to a study by research firm Gartner Inc. |
The Register
12. |
Brits fear online shopping. Don't fear the Web, it is your friend... By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (John Oates). |
13. |
UK train firm rolls out Wi-Fi to all travellers. Wireless Internet no longer a First Class privilege By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Tony Smith). |
12:24:17 PM
11:24:06 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Eyes on enterprise. Talks between SAP and Microsoft underscore the harsh realities in the enterprise software market. |
2. |
Reheated Bagle comes with side of source code. Assembly language indicates worm's author is no novice. But it doesn't take an expert programmer to breed new variants. |
3. |
Veritas to miss earnings mark. Company blames weak U.S. sales for lowered earning expectations, and its stock falls nearly 25 percent. |
4. |
Congress mulls new Net phone rules. New bill would bar states from regulating VoIP. Could this mean higher costs for Net phone service? |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Softricity, IBM Go for Grid Services, Replication (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Software upgrades from Softricity Inc. and IBM aim to help enterprises deploy and better manage applications that are distributed across a computing grid. |
6. |
Veritas Warns, Stock Plunges 31 Percent (Reuters). Reuters - Veritas Software Corp. (VRTS.O) on
Tuesday reported preliminary quarterly results that missed Wall
Street estimates, citing sluggish U.S. sales of business
software, and its shares plunged 31 percent. |
7. |
iPods pose security risk for enterprises, Gartner says (MacCentral). MacCentral - The iPod may be popular, but also poses such a major security risk for businesses, that enterprises should seriously consider banning the iPod and other portable storage devices, according to a study by research firm Gartner Inc. |
8. |
Source: Commission, Microsoft to Meet EU Judge (Reuters). Reuters - Officials from Microsoft Corp. and the
European Commission will meet with the president of the EU's
Court of First Instance on July 27 to discuss the company's
request to suspend sanctions against the firm, a person close
to the situation said on Tuesday. |
9. |
Professor Creates His Own Cisco Manual |
10. |
Fedora Core 2: Making it Work |
InfoWorld: Top News
11. |
iPods pose security risk for enterprises, Gartner says. The iPod may be popular, but also poses such a major security risk for businesses, that enterprises should seriously consider banning the iPod and other portable storage devices, according to a study by research firm Gartner Inc. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
12. |
Vulns: Qbik WinGate Information Disclosure Vulnerability. Qbik WinGate is a Microsoft Windows based Internet connection sharing proxy server.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.95907E-271; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2603
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
WinGate is reported susceptible to an information disclosure vulnerability in its HTT... |
The Register
13. |
Internet set to bring down society. It was five years ago today... 6 July 1999 By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Team Register). |
14. |
Hey, where'd my porn go?. Letters Vodafone's filtering not a big hit with Reg readers By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Lucy Sherriff). |
15. |
China disowns IPv9 hype. Mystery protocol isn't taking over China, after all By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (John Leyden). |
16. |
IBM denies spiking fab cancer study. Editor cries foul as journal publisher drops report By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Tony Smith). |
17. |
C&W launches VoIP for UK.biz. In brief Forecasts 25 per cent savings... By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (John Oates). |
18. |
eBayers go ape for Reagan funeral accessories. Over $66,000 bid By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Tony Smith). |
19. |
Patriot 'Blue-on-Blue': the plot thickens. CBS indicates US military cover-up By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Lester Haines). |
20. |
Get MySQL Certified for less. Site Offer 30% off essential study guide By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Team Register). |
21. |
Data federation and the police. Consolidation is not the answer By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Philip Howard, Bloor Research). |
22. |
Irish programmer lifts MSDN security crown. Snags $10,000 grand prize By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Lucy Sherriff). |
23. |
Ofcom appoints Last Mile adjudicator. Local loop unbundling. Here we go again By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (John Oates). |
24. |
We name new Dr Who intergalactic übervillain. Exclusive Terrifying robotic entity unveiled By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Lester Haines). |
25. |
Deutsche Telekom to unite 'half the world's Wi-Fi hotspots'. But when? By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Tony Smith). |
26. |
Bagle source code unleashed. Tools for s'kiddies By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (John Leyden). |
27. |
Dell ships first Euro Linux business PCs. Indirectly By press.releases@theregister.co.uk (Tony Smith). |
NewsIsFree: Security
28. |
12Planet Chat Server Input Validation Flaw Lets Remote Users Conduct Cross-Site Scripting Attacks |
29. |
MySQL Authentication Vulnerabilities |
30. |
Red Hat update for httpd |
31. |
MySQL Authentication Vulnerabilities |
32. |
Red Hat update for httpd |
33. |
Ad-aware referencefile 01R328 05.07.2004 |
10:23:33 AM
9:23:20 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Driv3r holds chart pole position. Catch up with the latest news from the world of video gaming. |
2. |
Watchdog backs broadband changes. Opening up BT's exchanges to rivals could make cheap net calls and affordable super-fast broadband a reality. |
CNET News.com
3. |
Professor gives Cisco manual away for free. Rebuffed by networking giant, instructor Matt Basham goes to the Net and offers his book at no cost. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Rash of recalls dogs tech companies (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Hundreds of thousands of computer parts and cell phone batteries have been recalled in recent weeks because of serious defects. |
5. |
Copyright bill poses threat to iPod's future (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Apple's sleek digital audio device is one of the most successful tech toys, selling more than 3 million units since November 2001. |
6. |
T-Systems Aims to Make WiFi as Easy as Phone Call (Reuters). Reuters - T-Systems, a unit Deutsche Telekom,
is linking together 10,000 locations for wireless computer
access and aims to connect half of the world's public hotspots
to a seamless network, it said on Tuesday. |
InfoWorld: Top News
7. |
Microsoft, under attack, aims to offer security. Two and a half years after launching its Trustworthy Computing initiative, Microsoft Corp. is finding its products the target of escalating attacks, to the extent that some security experts are even warning that the company's Internet Explorer (IE) browser is simply not safe to use. |
InfoWorld: Security
8. |
Microsoft, under attack, aims to offer security. Two and a half years after launching its Trustworthy Computing initiative, Microsoft Corp. is finding its products the target of escalating attacks, to the extent that some security experts are even warning that the company's Internet Explorer (IE) browser is simply not safe to use. |
The Register
9. |
Get MySQL Certified for less. Site Offer 30% off essential study guide By Team Register . |
8:23:03 AM
7:22:33 AM
The Register
1. |
Sapphire Radeon X800 Pro. Review ATI's mainstream chip arrives in retail-land By Trusted Reviews . |
2. |
Baltimore showdown underway. Shareholder vote By electricnews.net . |
3. |
Internet set to bring down society. It was five years ago today... 6 July 1999 By Team Register . |
Wired News
4. |
Senate Behind Stem-Cell Research?. Sen. Orrin Hatch, a Republican supporter of embryonic stem-cell research, said Sunday there is wide support in the Senate to ease the Bush administration's restrictive policy on the scientific work. |
5. |
Phone Suppliers Consolidate. The technologies that make it possible for phone companies to offer next-generation networks are being rolled out by fewer, but healthier, companies. Customers could be the big winners. |
6. |
Brain Cells: Alzheimer's Clues. The genetic mutations behind most cases of Alzheimer's disease may be found inside cell mitochondria, according to a U.S. study. The findings could shed light on the disease affecting more than 4 million people in the United States. |
7. |
Crime Fighters Use Digital Video. A few police departments across the country are trying out Tivo-style video systems to record criminal activity and avoid lawsuits. Officers especially like the 'pre-event' feature. |
8. |
The Cogs of the Armstrong Machine. Lance Armstrong is vying for his sixth Tour de France title. Here's the hardware that makes Armstrong an unstoppable cycling machine. By Ben Hewitt from Wired magazine. |
9. |
Software Makes a Tiger of Panther. Apple won't add nifty features like systemwide search to Mac OS X until 2005. But who needs the newest version of its operating system when we've got third-party software that transforms Panther into Tiger? By Chris Oakes. |
10. |
A Terrible Thing to Waste a Mind. In Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy, you control a special agent who uses telekinetic powers to kill soldiers with the power of his mind alone. Unfortunately, your own brain won't get nearly as much of a workout. By Chris Kohler. |
11. |
Fertility Tech Yet to Come of Age. Women who want to conceive later in life have more options nowadays, but it still ain't easy for those who want to get pregnant after 35. Some women are freezing their eggs for future use. By Kristen Philipkoski. |
12. |
House to Tackle Internet Calls. Congress will hold hearings this week to determine what to do about voice-over-IP phone services. Customers love the cheap services, but government officials fret over lost tax revenue and wiretapping issues. Jacob Ogles reports from Washington. |
13. |
Court Creates Snoopers' Heaven. A recent federal ruling clearing a rare-book dealer could make it legal for just about anyone to read e-mail or listen to voicemail as it moves through a network. News analysis by Kim Zetter. |
14. |
A Wretched Hive of Fan Films. Star Wars fans armed with camcorders are preparing entries for the 2004 George Lucas Selects Award. Some of the short tribute films need a bit more work, but others are -- as Darth Vader might say -- impressive, most impressive. By Jason Silverman. |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
6 Jul W32/Sdbot-JS |
6:22:11 AM
5:21:58 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
My Tokyo Death Cult: CC-licensed science fiction. My Tokyo Death Cult is a science fiction novel released under a CC license by Marc Horne -- haven't read it, but it's got a hell of an opener:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.30522E-101; #1: 1
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Japanese policemen's guns are small and sort of puny. Except when they are shooting at you. Right now, they are shooting at me and my companion and we are running scared. The Policemen's shots are a little tentative, like someone picking chewing gum out of their hair. In fairness to the police, I should mention that we are in Shinjuku station, the world's busiest. Currently it is occupied by... oh, I don't know... 2.5 Lichtensteins. I am on average 4 inches taller than those around me, and a crucial 4 inches to boot, so as I barge through the crowd, hurting everyone, I must remember to crouch. To help me remember this, I visualize two things: the cloth that hangs in front of every drinking establishment in this country and those photos of JFK's autopsy that my father and I discussed over breakfast in 1977.
Link |
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Viennese groupblog. The Vienna Metblog is a group blog with a bunch of fun Viennese bloggers working on it, linking to items of local interest. My pal Johannes from Monochrom's on-board.
(Thanks, Johannes!) |
3. |
Dilbert for 06 Jul 2004.  |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Wi-fi sensor net aids wine makers. A wi-fi network is helping Californian grape growers produce a better crop. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Intelliden Gets $10 Million Contract from BT Global Services (TechWeb). TechWeb - Move designed to enhance BT's position in large enterprise market. |
6. |
McNealy Rejects Idea Of Open-Source Java (TechWeb). TechWeb - Sun can nurture Java; McNealy challenges IBM to open its code and end its 'Java envy' |
7. |
New Offering Keeps Tabs on Mobile Workers (TechWeb). TechWeb - Using GPS- and Java-enabled Nextel phones, customers will allow supervisors to monitor remote employees' work time, tasks and location status. |
8. |
Net Sticky Notes All Over London |
NewsIsFree: Security
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Top Port: ms-sql-m 1434 |
4:21:40 AM
3:21:27 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
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SKorea's LG Corp to set up multi-million-dollar LCD venture (AFP). AFP - LG Corp., a holding company of South Korea's second-largest conglomerate LG Group, plans to launch a multi-million-dollar part supplier for the world's leading flat-screen maker LG Philips LCD, officials said. |
2. |
CIA failed to pass on info about abandoned Iraqi weapons program (AFP). AFP - The Central Intelligence Agency failed to pass on to President George W. Bush before the Iraq war information from relatives of Iraqi scientists that Baghdad had abandoned its program to develop weapons of mass destruction, The New York Times reported on its Web site. |
3. |
Best Buy Says Customers Not Always Right |
2:21:08 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Parties to Allow Bloggers to Cover Conventions for First Time (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - More than 15,000 people will converge on Boston later this month to cover the Democratic National Convention -- including, for the first time, bloggers. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
2. |
Vulns: Linux Kernel IPTables Sign Error Denial Of Service Vulnerability. The Linux kernel supports netfilter and iptables; these make up a security framework within the Linux kernel and provide features such as packet filtering network address... |
12:27:47 AM
© Copyright
Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
7/26/2004; 12:30:14 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves
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