Sunday, July 11, 2004
CNET News.com
1. |
Microsoft launches new developer support program. The improved support and assistance is intended to keep partners in the software giant's fold. |
11:29:27 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
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'Manchurian' Game Dials Up Thrilling Clues (Reuters). Reuters - Just like in "The
Manchurian Candidate," fans can receive mysterious calls on
mobile phones that require them to make life-or-death
decisions. That's the premise of a voice-recognition game
presented by Paramount Pictures during the buildup to the
remake's July 30 release. |
2. |
The iPod Gets WiFi, Sort Of |
NewsIsFree: Security
3. |
The Cleaner Database v3627 |
10:29:10 PM
9:28:47 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
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Americans Object to War Images Online (AP). AP - Half of Americans object to the online availability of graphic war images, though millions have actively sought them out, a new study finds. |
2. |
An Online ID Registry |
8:28:28 PM
7:28:07 PM
Boing Boing
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Apple sells Matt Webb a lemon, then treats him like crap. Matt Webb bought a 12" Powerbook and got a lemon. He's spent over a month calling Apple, trying to get it fixed, getting ignored, getting promises broken, not having his calls returned, getting the machine returned still broken, sending it back again. This is outrageous: Apple UK needs to do a better job if it plans on retaining customers.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.24064E-164; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2934
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
It's happened again. Same problems as last time. mutt can't make temporary
files, the computer won't shut down cleanly, then it won't boot (stays at the
grey Apple screen) DiskWarrior can't repair it (and it freezes in Target Disk
mode). If I go into verbose mode on book, the errors are:
Load of /sbin/mach_init, errno 2, trying /etc/mach_init
Load of /etc/mach_init failed, errno 2
The hardware check, on the original CDs, comes back fine.
Coincidentally, it's after about 11 days of usage (again), and after the hard
drive has got 45Gb of data on it (again).
I called tech support. Very helpful guy in the Danish tech support call centre.
He says the next thing they'll ask me to do is reinstall.
Hang on, I've been here before.
I'm not going through this again.
I know this story. This is the one where I spend days doing what tech support
ask, send my computer off, Apple hang onto it for months and send it back, still
(via Plasticbag) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Singing's Not an Act for Ashlee Simpson (Reuters). Reuters - Video may have killed the radio star
25 years ago, but in today's multimedia universe, it seems that
the more exposure one fosters -- through TV, movies,
commercials or the Internet -- the better the chance for
success. |
3. |
Verisign Speeds Up DNS Updates |
SecurityFocus Vulns
4. |
Vulns: ISC DHCPD Hostname Options Logging Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. ISC DHCPD is prone to a remotely exploitable buffer overflow vulnerability. This issue exists in routines responsible for logging hostname options provided by DHCP clien... |
5. |
Vulns: ISC DHCPD VSPRINTF Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. ISC DHCPD is reported likely vulnerable to remotely exploitable buffer overflow vulnerabilities on systems which lack a vsnprintf() library function.
On systems which la... |
6. |
Vulns: Microsoft Word/Outlook Object Tag Security Setting Compromise Vulnerability. Microsoft Outlook when configured to employ Microsoft Word as an email editor, is reported prone to a security setting compromise vulnerability (ActiveX control blocking)... |
6:27:47 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
40 remixed Nintendo theme classics. Nintendo Breakz is a collection of 40 short (<45 sec) remixes of classic Nintendo theme music.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 5.916E-192; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2933
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
01 Altered Beast
02 Punch Out
03 Balloon Fight
04 Super Mario Brothers 3
05 The Adventures of Lolo
06 Tetris
07 Kirby's Adventure
08 Punch Out
09 Excite Bike
10 Mega Man 2
(via Waxy) |
2. |
iPod language app limited to newer iPods. A few weeks ago, Xeni posted about Talking Panda, an iPod application containing hundreds of common words and phrases in your choice of three languages. It seemed like a great deal for $10, so I bought the French version. (I'm going to be spending several months in Paris in the fall.) The bummer though is that for some reason, Talking Panda requires iPods with firmware v2.0 or later. It won't run on the first or second-generation iPods (like mine). Basically, if you bought your iPod before May 2003, you're out of luck. I emailed info@talkingpanda.com and developer Bob Ippolito responded right away:
"The iPod 1.x firmware is simply not capable of using Talking Panda. You can either purchase a new iPod, give the software to a friend as a gift, or I can offer you a refund of $8. Unfortunately it costs us $1 for each transaction (once for sale, once for refund), so I can not offer you a full refund."
The $2 loss won't kill me and, besides, it's my own fault for not reading the system requirements on the Talking Panda site. But I am annoyed that I can't use the software! It sounds like a useful application and I wish there was a way to get it to run on my iPod. Or that Bob would develop a version that does. Link |
3. |
Gates: Open Source Kills Jobs |
SecurityFocus Vulns
4. |
Vulns: Shorewall Insecure Temporary File Handling Symbolic Link Vulnerability. Shorewall is a high-level tool for configuring Netfilter.
It is reported that Shorewall is prone to a local insecure temporary file handling symbolic link vulnerability.... |
5. |
Vulns: Apache ap_escape_html Memory Allocation Denial Of Service Vulnerability. Apache is a freely available Web server for Unix and Linux variants, as well as Microsoft operating systems.
Apache Web Server is reportedly affected by a memory allocat... |
5:27:27 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
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Critics Sue Electronic Voting Company (AP). AP - Critics of electronic voting are suing Diebold Inc. under a whistleblower law, alleging that the company's shoddy balloting equipment exposed California elections to hackers and software bugs. |
2. |
Time to Try a Linux Desktop? |
4:27:07 PM
Boing Boing
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Homeland Security figuring out how to suspend election in case of terrorist attack. The upcoming issue of Newsweek reports that Homeland Security's Tom Ridge is looking into how he can call off the election in the event of a terrorist attack.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 6.01192E-239; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2931
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge warned last week that Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network may attack within the United States to try to disrupt the election.
The magazine cited unnamed sources who told it that the Department of Homeland Security asked the Justice Department last week to review what legal steps would be needed to delay the election if an attack occurred on the day before or the day of the election. Link (Thanks, Todd!) |
2. |
My DRM talk in Norweigan. Espen Andersen, a Norweigan b-school prof, has translated my DRM talk into Norweigan. Isn't it good? Link |
3. |
Casemods from classic industrial designs. 
"Bootleg Objects" is a casemod project that starts with design classics like this 1973 Bang & Olafsen tape-deck, Technics turntables, etc, and builds PCs and displays into them ("In the series of the Bootleg Objects, the BO.02 is a representative of the era of the music cassette. However, the cassette slot now houses a smart card reader. Further, a DVD-drive is hidden behind a previously unused groove in the front panel, and a 16:9 TFT display has joined the object on the sly. The legendary slider control formerly used to control the radio tuning now becomes both a display and controller for a whole slew of functions. Consequently, instead of 'tuning' the label now reads 'anything'.")
(Thanks, Dan!)
4. |
Fair use = free speech. Lessig points out a documentary on Fox News, one that makes extensive use of clips from Fox, without permission, to make its point, and what this means:
As the Times article describes, Greenwald's style for distributing documentaries may be the beginning of something new -- political criticism, using interviews and clips, making a strong political point, distributed through DVDs and political action groups. (See some other examples here). On what theory does he, and others, have the right to use such material without permission? On the free culture theory we call the First Amendment: Copyright law must, the Court told us in Eldred, embed "fair use"; "fair use" is informed by First Amendment values; the values of the First Amendment most relevant here are those expressed in New York Times v. Sullivan. As with news-gathering, critical political filmmaking needs a buffer zone of protection against the overreaching of the law. And if the potential of this medium -- now liberated by digital technology -- is to be realized, we need clear precedents that establish that critics have the freedom to criticize without having to hire a lawyer first.
(Thanks, Larry!) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Mozilla Gains on IE (PC World). PC World - Study shows Microsoft has lost a percentage of market share to open source browser. |
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FCC Meets Opposition to Outage Rule Change (AP). AP - It's the telecom equivalent of postgame analysis. When a landline phone network suffers a serious outage, the company involved has to tell federal regulators what happened and how it can be avoided next time. The Federal Communications Commission believes the public outage reports, required since the early 1990s, have helped to dramatically improve network quality. But the rule applies only to landline companies, an anachronistic loophole in this age of wireless phones and voice service from the cable company. |
7. |
Tubes vs Transistors: An Audible Difference? |
3:26:48 PM
2:26:27 PM
Boing Boing
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Don't call him chicken. Sunjit Kumar of Suva, Fiji, was raised by chickens. OK, they didn't really raise him, but as a young boy, his grandfather locked him in a chicken coop where he lived for several years. After Kumar escaped, he was taken to an old age home where the baffled staff confined him for twenty years. Now though, Elizabeth Clayton, president of a Rotary Club in Fiji's capital city, has, er, taken Kumar under her wing.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.16288E-109; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2929
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
"Sujit would mostly hop around like a chicken, peck at his food, perch like a chicken and make noises like a chicken," she said. "He would prefer to roost on the floor to go to sleep rather than sleep in a bed."
Kumar currently resides in a former factory while undergoing therapy. Video available here, although he doesn't act very chicken-like in the footage. More of the story here. |
2. |
Saturn Hailstorm |
SecurityFocus Vulns
3. |
Vulns: NullSoft Winamp Long File Name Denial of Service Vulnerability. Winamp is a freely available media player from Nullsoft. It is available for the Microsoft Windows platform.
A vulnerability has been identified in the application that... |
4. |
Vulns: php-exec-dir Patch Command Access Restriction Bypass Vulnerability. php-exec-dir is a patch that allows PHP, while not running in safe mode, to specify a directory that contains binary files executable by PHP; PHP will not be able to exec... |
5. |
Vulns: Microsoft Windows Window Message Subsystem Design Error Vulnerability. A serious design error in the Win32 API has been reported. The issue is related to the inter-window message passing system.
In the Win32 model, all windows on the deskt... |
1:26:07 PM
12:25:48 PM
11:25:28 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Week ahead: It's in the chips. Marquee chipmakers Intel and AMD are scheduled to report quarterly results, as are a number of other tech heavyweights. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Livewire: MP3 Blogs Serve Rare Songs, Dusty Grooves (Reuters). Reuters - A new genre of Web sites that offer an
eclectic mix of free music downloads may not be strictly legit,
but the sites' creators say they're doing the beleaguered
record industry a favor. |
3. |
Using AI for Spam Filtering (w/ Source Code) |
10:25:17 AM
9:24:47 AM
8:24:26 AM
7:24:07 AM
Boing Boing
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Accessibility hacker facing lawsuit for improving Odeon's site. Matthew Somerville is a public-spirited UK geek who specialises in hacking badly designed websites into accessible websites, by scraping their info and repoublishing it to comply with accessibility standards.
He did this service for Odeon Cinemas, whose unusably bad website is doubly impossible if you have any disability, and made a small splash: he'd disovered a bunch of security holes in their user-data collection that he brought to their attention, he turned their website into something that all their customers could use, he put in many hours of unpaid labour to improve their public offering.
At the time, Odeon told the press that they were OK with this (how generous!), but now they've threatened to sue him, siccing lawyers on him and accusing him of infringing their trademarks, copyrights, and "database rights" (database rights are a really stupid psuedocopyright that the EU has created to allow people to copyright collections of public facts, like the names of all the colours or the start times of all the movies).
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 4.02536E-120; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2900
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
In the process of creating my site, I uncovered no less than three security
holes in your site, leading to public availability of all personal data held
on the Odeon server. I immediately informed Odeon and received the following
"On behalf of ODEON I would like to extend my thanks in bringing this
flaw to our attention. As a result of the details you have sent to us, the
issue was passed to our web engineers who have solved the bug with immediate
effect. Again, thank you for your feedback and for using www.odeon.co.uk"
Also, in an article in the Independent last September, you said you were not
going to ask me to take the site down - may I ask what caused your change of
(Thanks, Tom!) |
2. |
FCC's Chairman Powell Starts Blog |
NewsIsFree: Security
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UnixWare ppptalk Long Prompt Overflow |
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ht://Dig Insecure TMP File Creation |
6:23:50 AM
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Dilbert for 11 Jul 2004.  |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
The Not-So-Intelligent Enterprise (TechWeb). TechWeb - Welcome to the not-so-intelligent enterprise, where too many of us live and work. Is there a way out? |
3. |
THIS WEEK'S MOVIES (PageSix). PageSix - Hilary Duff is the poor, unpopular stepdaughter who's forced to toil away at the family diner. Hunky Chad Michael Murray is her Prince Charming and a left-behind cell phone takes the place of the traditional glass slipper. Jennifer Coolidge is the overly Botoxed evil stepmother. |
NewsIsFree: Security
4. |
Linux kernel MFH Bit Information Disclosure |
4:23:08 AM
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Browser Wars 2004 |
3:22:48 AM
2:22:28 AM
1:22:08 AM
12:29:47 AM
© Copyright
Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
7/26/2004; 12:30:19 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves
(blue) Manila theme. |