Nippon Goro Goro : Rumblings from Japan and, occasionally, other parts of NE Asia & the NW Pacific Ocean region.
Updated: 6/26/2006; 8:49:15 PM.


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The Internet Traffic Report.

Engrish doesn't get any better than this!



A British national working as a reporter for the Japan Times is arrested after going on a bender.


Japan-Wal-Mart (Reuters).

Wal-Mart finalizes a $1 billion rescue package for its struggling unit Seiyu and namesone of its top officials to head the Japanese retailer, which also widened its loss estimate.


JAL flight 1870 makes emergency landing at Osaka.


DPRK revives state handouts but hunger still looms (Reuters).

North Korean women wait in line to receive corn at a public distribution centre in Phyongwon county, south Pyongan province October 24, 2005. A decade ago, North Korea was hit by a famine that killed as many as 2.5 million people, a result of a series of floods and droughts compounded by misguided economic policies. (Handout/Gerald Bourke/WFP/Reuters)It's harvest time in North Korea but there is no grain for sale in the markets.


Sales of new vehicles in Japan fall to 34-year low (Japan Times).

For the first time since 1971, October auto sales in Japan have fallen below 290,000 units.


Man Paddles Across Pacific Ocean (KOIN-TV).
A French man has successfully rowed his way across the Pacific Ocean from Chiba to Oregon.


Polls show Japanese public apparently satisfied with Prime Minister Koizumi and his new Cabinet.


Two Koreas to compete as single team at Games (Reuters).

North Korean leader Kim Jong-il (L) shakes hands with Chinese President Hu Jintao as he sees off the Chinese leader on his departure from Pyongyang airport October 30, 2005, in this picture released by Korea News Service in Tokyo October 31, 2005. Hu was concluding an official visit to North Korea.  JAPAN OUT   REUTERS/Korea News ServiceNorth and South Korea have agreed to compete as a single team for the first time at the 2006 Asian Games, and at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.


Defector Plans Musical About DPRK Prison Camps. (Hankook Ilbo)

North Korean defectors are preparing to stage a musical in Seoul showing human rights abuses in concentration camps for political offenders in North Korea.


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