Nippon Goro Goro : Rumblings from Japan and, occasionally, other parts of NE Asia & the NW Pacific Ocean region.
Updated: 6/26/2006; 8:52:32 PM.


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ROK stem cell scientist apologizes on ethics (Reuters).

South Korean scientist Hwang Woo-suk (3rd L) from Seoul National University, Gerald Schatten (R), a medical researcher at the University of Pittsburgh, and other South Korean scientists show Snuppy (C), the first male dog cloned from adult cells by somatic nuclear cell transfer, during a news conference at the Seoul National University in Seoul, August 3, 2005. Pioneering South Korean stem cell scientist Hwang, the man who made world headlines by cloning a dog, now faces a swirl of allegations over the ethics of his team's work, and may lose the interest of foreign backers, due to a U.S. collaborator's accusation that his team procured human eggs via unethical means. (You Sung-Ho/Reuters)South Korea's pioneering stem cell scientist apologizes because two members of his team  donated their egg cells for research, saying his rush to advance science may have clouded his ethical judgment.


Japan-Emperor. [Radio Australia]

A three year old Japanese princess looks set to get an interesting present for her forthcoming birthday, formal confirmation that she's in line to take the throne of the world's oldest hereditary monarchy.


China's ambassador in Japan calls the chilly ties between the two countries problem that needs to be urgently fixed.


Vice cops catch big fish, hooker, line and sinker (Mainichi).

The king of Japan's adult entertainment business was arrested today for operating a massage parlor in Tokyo's red light district.


Japan will have to shoulder substantial part of the trillion yen cost to move U.S. Marines from Okinawa to Guam.


Shaking Up Japanese Telecom -- Again (BusinessWeek).

A former electrical engineer begins to shake up Japanese telecom for a second time.


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