Nippon Goro Goro : Rumblings from Japan and, occasionally, other parts of NE Asia & the NW Pacific Ocean region.
Updated: 6/26/2006; 8:49:40 PM.


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The Internet Traffic Report.

Engrish doesn't get any better than this!



Japan to launch quake warning system next year (computer-analyzing data from fast-traveling compressional waves), but authorities are worried it could cause panic among the public who will find out just seconds before the ground starts shaking in their locality that they are about to be rattled by a big tremor.


U.S. Navy sailor aboard USS Kitty Hawk has leg amputated following accident off Okinawa.


In the latest scandal engulfing quasi-official broadcaster NHK, one of its news reporters -- who has been on "sick leave" -- is arrested for arson. Police say the Otsu bureau crime reporter, 25, has confessed to one incident and authorities says he is a suspect in a a dozen or more house fires in the Otsu area.


DPRK Chafes at UN Human Rights Plan (AP).

North Korea accuses the United States of attempting to overthrow the communist regime with a human rights law and warns of an "ultra hard-line" response if it does so.


Shift to digital cameras takes heavy toll on Konica Minolta (AFP).

A Konica Minolta employee unveils the group's latest digital camera in July 2005. Falling sales of conventional photo film and intense competition in the market for digital cameras saw Konica Minolta slump into the red at the interim stage, and to forecast a large full-year loss.(AFP/File/Yoshikazu Tsuno)Falling sales of conventional photo film and intense competition in the market for digital cameras saw Japan's Konica Minolta slump into the red at the interim stage, and to forecast a large full-year loss.


Japan's space agency cancels practice of touch-go rendezvous (AP)

Japan cancels the rehearsal of a planned landing on an asteroid millions of kilometres away between Earth and Mars.


Japan-WTO (Japan Times).

Japan's new agriculture minister says the country needs to make compromises to contribute to progress in market-opening talks.


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