Nippon Goro Goro : Rumblings from Japan and, occasionally, other parts of NE Asia & the NW Pacific Ocean region.
Updated: 6/26/2006; 8:49:31 PM.


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Engrish doesn't get any better than this!



Japan-North Korea bilat talks end in Beijing with no apparent breakthrough, as expected.


Former anchorman-turned-politician wannabe Dalton Tanonaka (CNN, NHK's Japan Business Today, etc.) sentenced to jail in Hawaii.


Japan, DPRK Meet Again After No Progress in Talks (Bloomberg).
Japan, North Korea meeting again today in Beijing, but no progress reported in the talks.


Nagoya stock exchange reopens (AP).

Nagoya Stock Exchange resumes trading after being hit with a mysterious computer system problem.


USA military activity in western Pacific to be stepped up (AFP).

US marines on exercise. US military activity in the Western Pacific will be stepped up after the relocation of 7,000 US Marines from Okinawa, the US regional naval commander says(AFP/File/Joel Nito)American military activity in the Western Pacific will be stepped up after the relocation of 7,000 US Marines from Okinawa.


Further indications emerge Japan will soon allow American beef back into the country.


DPRK Upper Class Flourishes  [VOA ]

A class of core loyalists is allowed to live in showcase capital city in towering, austere apartment blocks.


Japanese defector returns home from DPRK (AFP).

Kazumi Kitagawa, 31-year-old Japanese woman who defected to North Korea two years ago, speaks at a press conference in Niigata, after returning from the Stalinist country. North Korea decided to send Kitagawa back 'from a humanitarian point of view' and she 'deeply reflected on her illegal intrusion into the DPRK border and apologized for it and thanked its government for warm treatment and lenient measures.'(AFP/JIJI PRESS)A Japanese woman returns home after two years of self-imposed exile in secretive Stalinist North Korea under circumstances which she refuses to clarify.


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