Nippon Goro Goro : Rumblings from Japan and, occasionally, other parts of NE Asia & the NW Pacific Ocean region.
Updated: 6/26/2006; 8:54:10 PM.


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Engrish doesn't get any better than this!



USA Nuke Talks With DPRK Sidetracked (AP).

Chris Hill, assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs and the chief U.S. negotiator in the Korean nuclear talks, meets with members of The Associated Press, Friday, Dec. 2. 2005, during an interview at The Associated Press Bureau in Washington. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari)American negotiator Christopher Hill is signaling North Korea there are limits to U.S. patience in trying to reach an agreement to end the insular regime's nuclear weapons programs in exchange for economic benefits and security assurances.


Japanese automaker developing paint that will heal scratches.


Japan, PRC to jointly destroy wartime chemical weapons (AFP).

Workers remove an unexploded Japanese WWII bomb found at a construction site in Wuhan. Japan and China have agreed to jointly recover and dispose of chemical weapons left behind in China by the Japanese military at the end of the World War II(AFP/File)Japan and China agree to jointly recover and dispose of chemical weapons left behind in China by the Japanese military at the end of the World War II.


Hate manga gaining popularity in Japan.


USS Abraham Lincoln won't be moving to Japan.


Japanese scientists are taking out of the lab and ushering into the doctors' offices the era of personalized medicine.


Mazda Discourages Employees From Driving (AP).

A Japanese automaker is recommending its employees walk to the office, rather than commute by car, as part of an effort to improve their health and protect the environment.


Respected survey finds one Japanese airline flying high, another in a tailspin.


Japan FM calls for changes in USA troop deal (AFP).

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice(R) greets Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Taro Aso at the State Department in Washington, DC. Aso said that Japan and the United States might have to amend their controversial plan to redeploy troops within the southern island chain of Okinawa to meet local objections(AFP/Tim Sloan)Japan's foreign minister visiting the U.S. says Tokyo and Washington might have to amend their controversial plan to redeploy troops within the southern island chain of Okinawa to meet local objections.


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