Updated: 2/15/2006; 7:01:53 AM.

   Hogg's Blog

            David Hoggard's take on local politics and life in general from Greensboro, NC

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Update: I am working on two "bank transfers" from Africa... follow them here.

When you get an email solicitation like this from some lawyer or banker in Africa with a "business opportunity", go here and fill in the blanks from information in the solicitation and hit generate.  Copy the result to your email reply and press send. 

Your thoughtful and verbose reply thanks the sender for his confidence in you and offers condolences for his nation's troubles, but goes on to tell the spammer that he has competition and that opportunities for similar money transfers his are coming in at a pretty good clip... but doesn't quite let him off the hook...

"(Your kind offer) could not have come at a better time. You see, just last week, I have received a confidential letter from Burkina Faso  . It was from a man named Renwano Broneida, who is the Nephew of Sir Deeoni Broneida, the recently Retired President of that country.

This man's letter explained how after his Uncle's exile there is a significant amount of money being sought by the Sir Broneida's enemies in Burkina Faso . It then went on to ask for my help in moving the money (a total of THREE MILLION - $3000000 U.S. Dollars) out of Burkina Faso and into my account, promising to pay me a percentage of the sum as compensation for my part of the operation....  I was quite ready to offer Renwano Broneida my assistance with the transfer his Uncle's money when I got your letter."

Who thinks this stuff up?  I especially like how it  s p e l l s  o u t  the amounts that are to be transferred.

Maybe if I can figure out how to actually extract some money from one of these African bankers I will finally be able to afford some of those penis enlargement patches and a presciption or two of V|@gra, Valï(u)m, or X(a)n@x that I have been reading so much about.

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Hailing from Rockingham County, Woody's Blog (or is it Walls of Voodoo?) by Woody Cavehaugh is a welcome addition to my local/regional blogroll.

What got my attention was this entry and how he came to this insight... "It always ends with the conclusion that if a girl likes me, then my wife must be psycho."

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Justified or not, the trend towards limiting public oversight of City functions continues.  From this morning's N&R coverage of last night's City Council meeting...

"In other business, the council changed the job description for the Bryan Park Golf Commission, curtailing the powers of the appointed board charged with over-seeing the city-owned golf course."

Although we have not yet encountered a hungry or dishonest fox, our henhouse's governance is definitely undergoing regime change.

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