Just been for a paddle around the NE side of Pepin Island which sits between Cable Bay and Delaware bay. Its only about 10 minutes drive from my place.
We are so lucky in NZ to have access to coastline like this, but it might not always be the case. There is a debate raging in NZ at the moment over ownership of the foreshore and seabed. Basically one side wants owership (or garudianship, whatever that is) of foreshore and seabeds to be in the hands of Maori while the other thinks the crown should retain ownership on behalf of all New Zealanders.
Its like listening to two fleas arguing over who owns the dog they're on.
I just hope I always be able to paddle to places like this without having to pay a fee...
 Delaware Bay Looking towards Pepin Island (I saw some dolphins playing in that surf as I was leaving... about 10-15 of them at least.)
A blowhole in the rocks. This one was making an impressive 'boom' today.
 I've paddled right into this cave on previous trips. The waves were a bit large today though. (Its bigger than it looks.)
 Thats me...
Incidently.... this site and its petition has been the fastest growing online petition in the WORLD. Feelings are very strong round here about this one.
5:22:30 PM