I was surfing around today looking for kiwi bloggers. I found a kiwi bloggers webring! I think I'll join it soon... as soon as I have had the chance to read a few.
While I was searching for kiwi bloggers though I found this artical in the New Zealand Herald (written back in December 2002).
I think the writer of this artical, while they have some good points, has totally missed the reasons for a personal blog. I'm not talking about magazine style, journalistic blogs. Obviously, if you get four talented, experienced, professional writers together to comtribute to anything literary, blog or otherwise, its probably gonna be worth a read. I'm talking about the 'personal web diary' style of blog. The ones written by an individual, just for the hell of it. These are my favourite kind of blog. Yes, they are often pointless and inane but they are also often incredibly honest and down to earth. Many are intensely personal and obviously that person's 'outlet' for their genuine thoughts and feelings. Others are simply a way to comunicate with like minded people and friends (the people that get your 'insider' jokes and want to know all the little things that make up your day).
I think that most of these personal blogs are there for the same reason mine is; for the writers own entertainment. I blog to amuse myself and secondly, to meet people who I might otherwise never have a chance to know. Ok, I not a journalist; hell, I can't even spell but that isn't important. So far I haven't had a single comment left on my blog, but thats not important either. What is important to me is that I take a little time each day, to order my thoughts, reflect on my experiences, and remember what it was to be me, today, at this moment in time...
Blog badly and enjoy it!
5:26:36 PM