We've done it! We've paddled right around Pepin Island in one trip. Its not that far but you have to get the tides just right. We left on the high tide as there is not usually much water in the esturay where we started today. Actually it was just before high tide becuase we had to wait to 10-15 minutes at the esturay mouth for the tide to change direction. We weren't to keen on padling against the still incoming tide through that narrow gap when we could wait a while and have it push us out! Craig enjoyed himself and provided a laugh when we were exiting one of the caves along this coastline. As he was going through a particularly narrow cave exit he went to make a quick correcting stroke and somehow managed to firmly wedge his paddle between the to rock sides. Of course the paddle came to a quick stop, but his kayak did not, leaving him doing a rather awkward looking impression of a water-bourne limbo dancer. I took a bit of effort to remove the paddle. He had certainly jammed it in there good!
He are some pictures from todays adventure...
 Heres Devon and Craig demonstrating the best way to launch from a steep stone beach. Just sit and slide! Recommend for plastic kayaks only.

4:40:50 PM