I got out for a paddle this afternoon... I am happy now. It was a blue sky day here in Nelson. Devon called around after he finished his deliveries. We were hiting the water at Cable Bay at about 3pm. We paddled back towards 'the Glen' and Nelson for a while today (just because we had never been that way before), but as soon as we got around the point and out of Cable Bay the coast line became alot less interesting. We decided to turn and head straight across the bay to the eastern tip of Pepin Island, then after a stop at this beach again, we paddled back around the coast (at a leisurely pace) to Cable Bay. Home by 6pm... fish and chips for tea tonight. A few snaps...  This shot is now my desktop wallpaper. Heres the 1024x768 version.

 Pepin Island is the big chunk of rock in the background.
We are planning to paddle right around Pepin Island tommorrow. We'll leave from the land bridge right on high tide, from the esturay side. Then we'll be able to ride the tide out of the esturay, paddle around the island, to arrive back at the vehicles on the seaward side of the landbridge. Devon's brother in law, Craig, who is visting from Christchurch is coming with us. Next weekend we are hoping to make a day trip to the Nelson lakes (weather permitting).
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