Dear spammer.
I don't know what you've been told about me but... I don't suffer from bi-polar mood swings (I don't even know what they are), and I haven't got a spare 20 pounds to lose, I don't want (or need) any viagra, and even if I did I don't think I'd have any trouble getting hold of some. I gave up smoking years ago without the help of any magical patch, and I'm perfectly happy with the size of my penis (thank you very much for caring). As I live in New Zealand, I'm hardly likely to be interested in special offers that are open to citizens of USA only, and I pretty sure the American government hasn't got 20,000 dollars set aside for me. An illegal cable descrambler is not going to be much good to me as I don't think the cable gets this far... does it? Why the hell would I want to 'print my own postage' when I've got email, and if your wife is horny you shouldn't be emailing me about it! My credit is good and I think one credit card is enough, since I don't have any creditors hounding me. As for all the other really important email you send me, as irresistable as the offers may be, they last an average of 0.035 seconds on my screen (and I'm not a fast reader). please remove me from your mailing lists and get a real job (you might need to learn to spell first).
There.... I feel better now. :D
10:49:29 AM