Flu or no flu, today had some of the best kiting winds we've had for months. 40kph northerlies were predicted and thats what we got. Rabbit Island beach is probably the best beach in the Nelson region for kite buggying and it runs pretty much east/west so a northerly wind is perfect. When the tide is out like it was at about 4.45 this afternoon it is a huge beach of hard packed sand.
My flu was worse today but with a head full of paracetamol (thanks Lemsip!) I wrapped up warm and headed out to Rabbit Island at about 3.30.
Todays top speed : 44.2kph Average speed: 24.5kph Distance travelled: 22.2km Smiles : Ear to ear :D
I now feel shattered but happy. Another early night coming up...
9:35:26 PM