I managed to get a bit of kite buggying in yesterday. I was going to go kayking but too much wind meant flagging that and heading down to the Wakapuaka sand flats for another go with the kites. This time I found a dry patch of ground right out in the middle that provided enought traction despite the recent spring rains.
Devon bought his dogs down for a run. Jack love chasing kites and will literally run after them until he drops and can't chase them any more (we'll usually stop him before then - when we think he's had enough).
 Thats me just bringing the kites in to land. The two kites fly together in a 'stack', one behind the other like a biplane.
 While Jack chases the kites Kaycee runs beside the buggy
 Jack looking pretty exhausted after about half an hour of non-stop kite chasing.
I'm going up to lake Rotoiti today for a kayak... news and photos later.
7:40:39 AM