blogging on post-contemporary issues (edited and sometimes written by Antonio C-Pinto)


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  domingo, 06 de junho de 2004

Free Software Use in Brazil Spreads Beyond Gov't (Reuters). Reuters - Open programming software is gaining momentum in Brazil with the help of the government, which says it wants to develop domestic technology without having to pay hefty license fees charged by software giants. [Yahoo! News - Technology]
10:43:47 PM    comment []    

TheyWorkForYou: finest advocacy web-app in the world. -- a project from the FaxYourMP team -- has launched today. This is the most amazing, subversive piece of political webware I've ever seen. It scrapes the Parliamentary record and makes the entire thing commentable, searchable and permalinkable. It compiles stats of which MPs vote against their parties most often, which ones speak most often, which have made the most motions and so forth. I've been beta-testing it and the code and UI are brilliant. It's like they've poured Parliament into LiveJournal -- and in so doing, have cutg overnment down to a human-addressable scale. We need one of these in every country in the world.

Link [Boing Boing]
8:21:01 PM    comment []    

Send your own letters to MEPs using copyright maximalist action-centre. The "Campaign for Creativity" is an astro-turf letter-writing campaign that aims to get people to write to MEPs demanding even stronger copyright laws for Europe:

I am writing to say that it is important to me that Europe has strong intellectual property laws in place and that they are enforced properly.

The creative industries are under assault from pirates, counterfeiters and those who want weaken or remove the protections that enable the creative industries to function. 17,000 jobs a year and billions of Euros are lost every year because the IP laws are weak or not enforced.

Please support us when you're elected. We're counting on you!

But you can write your own letter and paste it in. Here's the full text of mine. -- Cory Doctorow.


(Thanks, Alice!) [Boing Boing]
8:18:34 PM    comment []    

Teenagers reach out via weblogs. A study of blogging reveals there are few gender differences in teen blog habits. [BBC News | Technology | UK Edition]
8:14:59 PM    comment []    

Net brings activists out in force. Web-led activism is transforming the face of US political campaigns in election year, writes Matt Wells. [BBC News | Technology | UK Edition]
8:13:05 PM    comment []    

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Last update: 12.09.04; 01:42:38.

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