blogging on post-contemporary issues (edited and sometimes written by Antonio C-Pinto)


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  sexta-feira, 18 de junho de 2004

Nico before Warhol's Factory era

Photos of pre-Warhol Nico.

nicoGreat fashion magazine photos of Nico before she hooked up with Warhol's Factory and started singing for the Velvet Underground.

Link (Short bio about Nico) [Boing Boing]
1:49:33 PM    comment []    

SpaceShip One

Special BoingBoing report: Live from SpaceShip One.

Paul G. Allen and Burt Rutan's SpaceShip One is scheduled to launch America's first Non-Government, privately funded manned space flight next Monday. Alan Radecki, part of the ground crew stationed at Mojave, is penning pre-flight updates and countdown info. Former BoingBoing guestblogger Todd Lappin has arranged for those first-person accounts to be blogged here.

Background: Link to Mojave airport site with launch info. Link to Rutan's press release on the June 21 launch. Link to Rutan's FAQ. And finally, Alan's first update follows:

Starting today, I plan on sending out a daily update on the activities surrounding the SpaceShipOne launch.

The flight is scheduled to commence at 0630 Monday 6/21, however that is dependent on weather. Should there be a weather delay, such as winds, the folks at Scaled plan on waiting and launching as soon as the weather permits, even if it stretches to the next day.

The public will enter the airport from the main Airport Blvd entrance off of Hwy 58. The airport will open at 3am, but it is pretty much assumed around here that there will be so many people showing up that the roads will be clogged. RVs will be permitted in the day before, with reservations (661/824-2433). I know that there's already 89 coming, some of whom are NASA folks who are bringing a band and everything. Regular vehicles will be charged $10 entrance fee (to help mitigate the huge cost of security that the airport has to bear), and I can't remember the RV cost...check for details. Don't try to avoid the traffic by coming in the back entrances...these are for VIPs with passes and tenants with ID badges.

There will be a TFR, and only aircraft with PPR numbers will be permitted into the airspace, starting on Saturday, I believe. Again, see for details. If you don't make it onto the airport, you'll still see the'll be visible for miles. (...)

I'll be here starting Sunday afternoon, sleeping in the Mercy quarters. -- Alan

(Thanks, Todd Lappin!) [Boing Boing]
1:33:47 PM    comment []    

Dot-matrix bicycle printer.

jkinberg has invented a bicycle that doubles as a dot-matrix printer, huffing out low-resolution ASCII characters from an array of spraypaintchalk cans mounted on the bike's rear and controlled by a Powerbook. He's planning to make a bunch of them to spray anti-GOP messages during the Republican convention -- he calls the project "Bikes Against Bush."


(Thanks, Poppy!)

[Boing Boing]
1:29:07 PM    comment []    

Cool Tools by Kevin Kelly

New Cool Tools: iPal and tool lending libraries.

tivolitoolsThe latest Cool Tools newsletter is out, with amazing stuff as usual. My favorites this time are a battery-powered amplifier-speaker that you can plug an iPod into for blasting music, and a description of "tool lending" libraries. Link (If you don't see them on the Cool Tools site, wait a couple of hours, Kevin sends the emails before updating the site. Better yet, sign up for the list) [Boing Boing]
1:26:16 PM    comment []    

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Last update: 12.09.04; 01:42:52.

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