Freitag, 19. November 2004

The Memory Hole, Secrecy, Credibility, and Journalism. In an age of disappearing information, how can journalists continue to gauge credibility? This question has been sticking in my mind ever since a brief discussion I had last month with a top-notch, old-school reporter... [Contentious] 11:21:02 PM   trackback [] 

iPod and iTunes Hacks by Hadley Stern.

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Some people are content to use their iPod simply to play music. Some people want to do much more. Those people, and you know who you are,aren’t satisfied until they get under the hood and tap every iPod trick available to them. They want to explore and experiment, create shortcuts, and unearth cool and unexpected things to do with their iPod that have never even occurred to their friends. Maybe they want to use their… By (Lockergnome). [Lockergnome's OS X Fanatics] 11:18:46 PM   trackback [] 

PubSub Is Now Tracking 6.5 million Blogs. Congrats to PubSub ( ). They're now tracking 6.5 million blogs. Eeek. See their announcement at .... [ResearchBuzz] 11:16:44 PM   trackback [] 

(Titel googlen!)

BBC Islandblogs

Die BBC Scotland hat auf der BloggerCon III die Weblogs vorgestellt, die auf abgelegenen, teilweise nur von wenigen Leuten bewohnten Inseln geführt werden. Die Leute dort sind zwar nicht zufrieden mit der Blogsoftware, die von der BBC selbst programmiert wurde, sie schreiben aber so lebhhaft, dass einige Geschichten es schon in das große Radioprogramm geschafft haben. 11:10:04 PM   trackback [] 

Another Travel Search Engine -- Mobissimo. The travel search engines just don't stop. A new one is Mobissimo, a travel meta-search source that searches over 80 search sources for airfare, hotel, and car rental information. The... [ResearchBuzz] 7:38:46 AM   trackback [] 

Erster Apple Retail Store in Europa in den Startlöchern [heise online news] 7:37:31 AM   trackback []