Dienstag, 15. Februar 2005

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Down With Left Navigation ... (I Mean Up)

Washingtonpost.com today debuted a redesigned homepage, a highlight of which is the elimination of the old long left-side navigation column. Instead, navigation is now a horizontal strip up top beneath the Washingtonpost.com nameplate (sometimes called the "flag"). Mouseover the navigation categories to see roll-down menus.

A press release from the site explains: "The adjustment allows for an uncluttered, user-friendly look and the ability to include more news and multimedia content." Washingtonpost.com executive editor Jim Brady is quoted as saying: "The new design gives us the flexibility to provide more information upfront in a cleaner, more streamlined interface."

I've become a big (...)
Entry continued... [gefunden bei Poynter E-Media Tidbits ...] 10:01:32 PM   trackback [] 

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Developer links GPS to Google Maps

google maps

Australian developer Glen Murphy has created a GPS plug-in for the recently released Google Maps service. Although the tool currently requires Windows XP or 2000 (which means, of course, you need a full-size laptop hooked up to your GPS), we can easily envision a version that works with a Palm or Pocket PC PDA. While this may never take the place of dedicated mapping software, the idea of getting your GPS to interface with the Web has its appeal; we’d like to be able to go a step further and be able to, say, run a search on Moviefone.com and have our GPS transparently plot a route to the theater without us having to punch in the adddress. What do you say, Glen?

[gefunden bei Engadget ...] 9:55:47 PM   trackback [] 

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Hersteller von Kopiersoftware mahnt Verband der Musikindustrie...

Hersteller von Kopiersoftware mahnt Verband der Musikindustrie ab [gefunden bei heise online news ...] 9:49:51 PM   trackback [] 

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Paddington Court Hotel - London

Here's some google juice for our last hotel in London.

Checking in they asked me to fill the form only with my passport number, nationality and email address. It's a step forward but what they should really ask you is my weblog url. This might have helped them deciding about the room to assign us.

The Paddington Court Hotel in London belongs to the Best Western chain (reservation made via hotels.com). Visiting the hotel site you will have the chance to look at some beautiful virtual reality views of their premises. Here's what you don't get on the site.

As with many other in this area, this hotel is the result of many houses stiched together. This mean that to get to our room we had to go up some stairs, trough the lounge, up more stairs, trough a corridor, down stairs, another corridor, up more stairs... all this with a pretty large suitcase (which later at the airport would have been labelled "Heavy" with two large yellow stickers). By the time we reached our room, which I estimate was probably in Cambrige, I badly needed a shower. The room had everything you would expect from a modern hotel room but the room.

Look at the picture, it was tiny, the bed was against the wall (and the radiator) and there was hardly the room to open the suitcase. The bathroom was somehow better, even if we had to fix the sink and the shower was so limescale encrusted that it was spraying water everywhere but in my direction.

The hotel was horribly expensive but this applies to all hotels in London so nothing to complain on this side.

Overall it was not worse than many other hotels in the area, travelling alone the rooms are probably okay but they are definetly too small for two people. [gefunden bei Paolo Valdemarin: Paolo's Weblog ...] 7:09:33 PM   trackback [] 

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Blogbox.com 7:02:59 PM   trackback [] 

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Why is Google News carrying Power Line and not Daily Kos?

Cory Doctorow: The excellent left-wing blogger Kos was dropped from Google News's list of sources last month, on the grounds that Goole seeks out non-partisan news sources. However, Google News is including sites that are just as partisan, but for the other side, like Power Line. A Kos reader is calling for a write-in campaign to Google News to address this.

A few months ago I posted a diary about Kos being dropped as a source from Google News, and the joy this brought to the right-wingers who claimed responsibility (having written Google to complain about its inclusion).

Well, imagine my surprise today when I discovered that Google News has added Power Line as a source.

In the spirit of "what's good for the goose is good for the gander", I propose that we all contact news-feedback@google.com and complain about Power Line being mixed in with legitimate sources.


(Thanks, Patrick!)

Update: Jake explains:

Kos has commented in the ensuing thread that they dropped it because he asked them to drop it, and he asked them to drop it because Google was picking up random entries that weren't

"it was pulling up random diaries and pasting them on the google news homepage, with the implication that it was 'sanctioned' content.

Given what's sometimes written in the diaries, I was uncomfortable with that. I don't mind taking heat for things I write, but for things that other people write? I didn't want to deal with that.

[gefunden bei Boing Boing ...] 5:03:01 PM   trackback [] 

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Tsunami uncovered ancient artifacts

David Pescovitz: As a result of the December 26 tsunami, archaeologists have discovered stone structures from the 7th century AD off the coast of India's Tamil Nadu state. For three years, archaeologists have been conducting underwater expeditions to explore the remains of an ancient port city there. The latest finds, including the granite lion seen here, were partially uncovered after the tsunami caused the coastline to recede. The tsunami also desilted a mostly-obscured giant rock relief of an elephant on the nearby Mahabalipuram temple. From a BBC News report:
 Media Images 40818000 Jpg  40818721 Relics203Afp The myths of Mahabalipuram were first set down in writing by British traveller J Goldingham, who visited the South Indian coastal town in 1798, at which time it was known to sailors as the Seven Pagodas.

The myths speak of six temples submerged beneath the waves with the seventh temple still standing on the seashore.

The myths also state that a large city which once stood on the site was so beautiful the gods became jealous and sent a flood that swallowed it up entirely in a single day.

[gefunden bei Boing Boing ...] 4:59:11 PM   trackback [] 

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Spendenkonten | tagesschau.de

Spendenkonten | tagesschau.de: “Hilfe für Erdbebenopfer in Südasien und Südostasien

Nach dem schweren Erdbeben in Südasien rufen folgende Hilfsorganisationen zu Spenden auf:

Aktion Deutschland Hilft

Bündnis der Hilfsorganisationen

action medeor, Adra, ASB, AWO, Care, Help, Johanniter, Malteser, Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband und World Vision

Bank für Sozialwirtschaft

Bankleitzahl: 370 20 500

Kontonummer: 10 20 30

Stichwort "Seebeben Südasien"


Ärzte für die Dritte Welt

EKK Bank

BLZ 500 605 00

Kontonummer 104 88888 0

Stichwort: Seebebenopfer


Ärzte ohne Grenzen (Erklärung der Organisation zum Spendenaufkommen und der Verwendung der Gelder)


Sparkasse Bonn

BLZ 380 500 00

Konto 40 006

Stichwort: Seebeben


Aktionsgemeinschaft Solidarische Welt e.V. ASW

Postbank Berlin

BLZ 100 100 10

Kontonummer 4006 104

Stichwort: Flutwelle

Brot für die Welt

Landesbank Baden-Württemberg

BLZ 600 501 01

Kontonummer 500 5000


Stichwort: Hilfe für Asien

Caritas International

Bank für Sozialwirtschaft Karlsruhe

BLZ: 660 205 00

Kontonummer: 202

Stichwort "Erdbeben-Südasien"


CCF Kinderhilfswerk

Bank für Sozialwirtschaft Stuttgart

Bankleitzahl 601 205 00

Kontonummer 778 0006

Stichwort Asienhilfe



Sparkasse Bensheim

Bankleitzahl: 509 500 68

Kontonummer: 505 05 05

Kennwort "Südasien"


DAHW (Deutsche Lepra- und Tuberkulosehilfe)

Sparkasse Mainfranken-Würzburg

Bankleitzahl 790 500 00

Kontonummer 9696

Stichwort Seebeben


Deutsches Rotes Kreuz

Bank für Sozialwirtschaft

Bankleitzahl: 370 205 00

Kontonummer: 41 41 41

Stichwort: "Südasien"


Deutsche Welthungerhilfe

Sparkasse Bonn

Bankleitzahl: 380 500 00

Kontonummer: 1115

Stichwort "Erdbeben Asien"


Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe

(Erklärung der Diakonie zum Spendenaufkommen und der Einstellung der zweckgebundenen Spendenannahme für die Opfer des Seebens)

Friedensdorf International

Stadtsparkasse Oberhausen

BLZ 365 500 00

Konto 102 400

Stichwort: Flut


Handicap International e.V.

Bank für Sozialwirtschaft

BLZ 700 205 00

Konto 595

Stichwort: Sri Lanka



Spendenportal für online-Spenden


Hilfswerk Deutscher Zahnärzte für Lepra- und Notgebiete

Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank Hannover

BLZ 250 906 08

000 4444 000

Stichwort: Flutkatastrophe


Kindermissionswerk "Die Sternsinger"


BLZ 370 601 93

Konto Nr. 1031

Stichwort: Seebeben




Bankleitzahl: 350 601 90

Kontonummer: 45 45 40

Stichwort: Seebeben


Komitee Cap Anamur/Deutsche Notärzte e.V.

Stadtsparkasse Köln

BLZ 370 501 98

Konto 2 222 222

Stichwort: Asien


Medico International

Frankfurter Sparkasse

BLZ 500 502 01

Konto 1800

Stichwort: Seebeben



Sparkasse Aachen

Bankleitzahl: 390 500 00

Kontonummer: 52100

Stichwort: Erdbebenopfer



Bank für Sozialwirtschaft Köln

Bankleitzahl: 370 205 00

Kontonummer: 13 13 13

Kennwort: Seebeben


Plan International

Deutsche Bank

Bankleitzahl 200 700 00

Konto 061281202

Stichwort: Hilfe für Südostasien



Deutsche Bank München

Konto 111 1 111

BLZ 700 700 10

Stichwort: SOS-Südostasien


terre des hommes

Hilfe für Kinder in Not

Volksbank Osnabrück eG

Bankleitzahl: 265 900 25

Kontonummer: 700 800 700

Stichwort: Flutwelle



Bank für Sozialwirtschaft

Bankleitzahl: 370 205 00

Kontonummer: 300 000,

Stichwort "Erdbeben Asien"


Zukunftsstiftung Entwicklungshilfe

GLS Gemeinschaftsbank

BLZ 430 609 67

Konto 123 300 10

Stichwort: Flutopfer Asien


3:43:23 PM   trackback [] 

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FAZ.NET - Investor - News - Ticker

Neuer Mittelklasse-Pkw von GM wird in Deutschland gebaut - WDR

Neuer Mittelklasse-Pkw von GM wird in Deutschland gebaut - WDR RÜSSELSHEIM (Dow Jones-VWD)--Das Nachfolgemodell des Opel-Vectra und des Saab 9.3 soll ab 2008 am Standort Rüsselsheim der Adam Opel AG produziert werden. Dies wird der Westdeutsche Rundfunk (WDR) am Montagabend in einer TV-Dokumentation berichten, wie die Nachrtichtenagentur ddp unter Verweis auf einen Vorabbericht des WDR meldet. Darin berufe sich der Sender dabei auf Informationen des US-Mutterkonzerns General Motors. Die Adam Opel AG erklärte auf Anfrage von Dow Jones Newswires jedoch, dass weiterhin noch nichts entschieden sei. Sollten sich die WDR-Informationen als richtig erweisen, wäre das monatelange Tauziehen zwischen der schwedischen GM-Tochter Saab und der Adam Opel AG entschieden. In einem Zeitungsbericht vom Montag war sogar von einer möglichen Komplettschließung von Saab die Rede. (ENDE) Dow Jones Newswires/14.2.2005/ces/nas” 10:47:44 AM   trackback []