Montag, 21. Februar 2005

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COPYRIGHT CRIMINALS Der Trailer zum kommenden Dokumentarfilm ist online und allein schon Harry Allen dabei zu sehen wie er sagt: "Jemand dafür zu bezahlen, dass James Brown "ähä" macht ..." [gefunden bei DE:BUG BLOG ...] 11:41:04 PM   trackback [] 

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Da weiss man doch wieder wofür man all diese schweren Plattenkisten schleppt. Unser Tip heute wäre: Beim Auflegen mit Finalscratch wirklich immer nur das mitnehmen was man unbedingt braucht. Und, wer CDs spielt, immer schön die Erlaubnis für die öffentliche Aufführung von den jeweiligen Komponisten mitschleppen, gell? Zwischenfrage, wer nimmt ... [gefunden bei DE:BUG BLOG ...] 11:40:35 PM   trackback [] 

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Ah, wenn das doch nur ein Vorbild für die GEMA sein würde. Einfacher lässt sich ein Modell für solche Seiten kaum gestalten falls das alles so stimmt was auf CoCo steht. 80 Euro im Jahr bezahlen wenn man Musik auf der Webseite benutzt, und falls jemand seine Musik nicht online ... [gefunden bei DE:BUG BLOG ...] 11:40:08 PM   trackback [] 

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Google Wants to Play Tag

I see it as an issue of 'Who owns the content being displayed?' Google does not own the content, and when it uses the content of others to make money, it often will be violating the intellectual property laws.

-- Attorney Terence Ross on the Google Toolbar's new autolink feature

I can understand the appeal of the argument that anything that exists on your computer is yours to edit, archive, or transform as you see fit. Roger Benningfield sums it up nicely: "My house, my rules."

But we don't seem to be living in that world with our software, and I'd like to see the legal foundation of the belief that we're living there with Web pages and other electronic documents.

Autolink edits Web pages, making subtle inline changes to text while presenting them at their original URLs, which implies the original author created the transformed work.

Even if you accept the legality of these edits, there should be more regard for the notion that something presented under your name is actually your work.

Software that manipulates digital content in transit should not present it as if no changes were made. [gefunden bei Workbench ...] 6:20:37 PM   trackback [] 

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Guest Post: Is Google's AutoLink Patent Pending -- By Microsoft?

TheoDP writes:

While Google pooh-poohed any comparison of its controversial AutoLink feature to Microsoft's SmartTag technology, Google's generation of dynamic links to maps and use of ISBN numbers to trigger links to booksellers cover the same territory as Microsoft's 2000 patent application for Providing electronic commerce actions based on semantically labeled strings, whose sole inventor - Jeff Reynar - was the lead SmartTag Program Manager while at MS and is reportedly now a Google Product Manager who's being credited as AutoLink's creator. Reynar's patent applications that have been assigned to Microsoft, including one for Smart Links and Tags, describe a world of 'recognizer' plug-ins that automatically look at every document a user creates, receives or views, transmitting messages to 'action' plug-ins - and even to the plug-ins' authors - that can be used to decide what info you'll be presented with, what options you'll be given, what price you'll pay for goods, and even who you'll be permitted to buy from. [gefunden bei Dan Gillmor on Grassroots Journalism, Etc. ...] 6:18:02 PM   trackback [] 

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Google Crowbar erzeugt unerwünschte Links, von denen Google komerziell profitieren kann

I'm researching the new Google Toolbar beta that enables Internet Explorer users to click an AutoLink button that edits Web pages, adding links when it recognizes a book's ISBN number, street address, or package tracking number in the text of a page.

Though it's a cool hack, as I said on Jason Levine's weblog, at first glance this seems like overstepping the boundaries of copyright. Robert Scoble voices similar concerns.

I fund my Web server in part through the revenue generated by affiliate links to my books -- sites earned around $3,300 from Amazon.Com referrals in 2004.

In principle, Google Toolbar's new functionality could be used to replace these links with ones that commercially benefit Google.

In practice, the current beta only adds a link to ISBNs that do not already have a link, as you can test on my book list. When the page is loaded, the toolbar's AutoLink button becomes Show Book Info. Clicking the button turns the plaintext ISBN for Movable Type 3 Bible Desktop Edition into a link to Google's toolbar proxy, which in turn redirects to an Amazon page for the book. The ISBNs for other books, which have my Amazon affiliate links, are not altered.


Page Before Autolink


Page After Autolink

Without question, Google's software is creating a derivative work when a user clicks AutoLink. Levine believes that since a user has the right to alter a work for personal use, provided that it is not redistributed, this feature simply puts that right into practice -- like a TiVo user fast-forwarding past commercials.

I support the use of ad blockers, image blockers, and browser plug-ins that alter the presentation of Web pages for readability or accessibility reasons. Perhaps this falls into the same area.

However, I think this feature is different than software that excludes content entirely or alters it for presentational purposes.

The alterations are so subtle that users would not be clear that a page's publisher did not author these added links, which may be to undesired sites and services.

For instance, if you visit a book's page on the retailer Bookpool, clicking Show Book Info revises the page, linking the ISBN to the book's page on Amazon.Com. Anyone care to guess about whether Bookpool would approve of this change?

Google derives commercial benefit from the added links, and could even implement the feature in a manner that replaces links from which a publisher earns revenue.

This feature reminds me of cases where a company added its own pop-up ads triggered by other publishers' sites or framed someone else's pages.

Carry Google's new feature to its natural conclusion, and a browser such as Mozilla Firefox could add functionality that replaces all affiliate links it recognizes with ones that benefit the Mozilla Foundation.

I have a lot of respect for Levine's armchair legal analysis on Q Daily News -- he's a constitutional law junkie who attended oral arguments in Boy Scouts of America v. Dale and reads amicus briefs for fun. But I have trouble believing the courts would support the for-profit alteration of Web pages in the manner facilitated by the toolbar. [gefunden bei Workbench ...] 6:15:55 PM   trackback [] 

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TP: Deutsche Tauschbörsennutzer gehen in die Offensive

“Im Unterschied zu einer ähnlichen französischen Initiative setzt die "Fairsharing-Initiative" auf eine "virtuelle Kulturflatrate"” 6:08:42 PM   trackback [] 

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Unterschriftenaktion gegen Kriminalisierung der Privatkopie...

Unterschriftenaktion gegen Kriminalisierung der Privatkopie [gefunden bei heise online news ...] 6:04:20 PM   trackback [] 

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1&1 führt IMAP-Zugriff auf Mail-Postfächer für alle...

1&1 führt IMAP-Zugriff auf Mail-Postfächer für alle Kunden ein [gefunden bei heise online news ...] 6:02:43 PM   trackback [] 

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Softwarepatentrichtlinie: Wer macht den nächsten Schritt?...

Softwarepatentrichtlinie: Wer macht den nächsten Schritt? [gefunden bei heise online news ...] 6:01:02 PM   trackback [] 

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Noch mehr Einladungen für GMail-Accounts

[gefunden bei heise online news ...] 6:00:42 PM   trackback [] 

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Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv

Alte Tondokumente gehen oft für immer verloren, wenn es keine Abspielgeräte mehr gibt. Das Deutsche Rundfunkarchiv hat viele Dokumente durch Überspielungen gerettet. Einige davon präsentiert eine Ausstellung im Kölner Funkhaus am Wallrafplatz. [gefunden bei ...] 5:46:26 PM   trackback [] 

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Ready or Not, Here comes Windows XP SP2

TheViffer writes "Beginning April 12, 2005 Microsoft will remove all temporary blocking of Windows XP SP2 by automatic update and Windows update which it has granted to those organizations that requested it. So unless you run Software Update Service (SUS), chances are you will get a mix of SP1 and SP2 running at the same time. Let's just hope you have these programs that are known to experience a loss of functionality when they run on a Windows XP Service Pack 2-based computer and these programs that seem to stop working after you install Windows XP Service Pack 2 patched, upgraded, or removed. Might be a good time for help desk personal to pencil in a week (or two) of vacation." [gefunden bei Slashdot ...] 5:36:44 PM   trackback [] 

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Martian Sea Discovered

mpesce writes "New Scientist is reporting that a large sea of frozen ice (between 800 and 900 km in size and 45 m deep) has been discovered by the ESA's Mars Express Probe. Here's the kicker: the sea of block ice is only five degrees away from the Martian equator. New Scientist also links to a PDF of a paper to be presented next month about the finding." Update: 02/21 15:30 GMT by T: Note: that's 45 meters deep, not 45 kilometers deep. [gefunden bei Slashdot ...] 4:53:46 PM   trackback []