Kevin Schofield's Weblog
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Friday, February 20, 2004

I've held the opinion for a while that if Bush got re-elected (and i hope not) Cheney would be gone within a year. You see, the Republicans have a problem: no clear successor to Bush. They have become too good at strategic planning (read: scheming) to throw away an advantage like a sitting vice-president to try to keep hold of the White House. And there is no way that Cheney could run for President, given his health. The Republicans will want a very electable vice-president as they head into 2008 as presumed heir to the throne.

But now given Cheney's tendency to lurk in the shadows, his general unpopularity, and the Halliburton scandals, he's a clear liability for the present as well as the future. There is, in fact, media speculation that Cheney will gracefully bow out of the campaign this year, for health reasons.

Now, suppose the Bush administration decided to do one better, and turn this to their advantage. Bush's credibility and ratings are dropping, and they need some new life and vigor in the ticket. Who could they pick to replace Cheney on the 2004 ticket that would bring back the swing voters?

Well, they certainly blew it on Obvious Choice #1: Colin Powell. After 3 years as Rumsfeld's whipping boy and the sacrificial lamb forced to lie to the UN to justify the occupation of Iraq, I can't imagine that Powell would trust Bush.

How about Bob Frist? I admit, I don't know much about him. What I have heard isn't good. My guess is that they would prefer he stay where he is. Likewise for Dennis Hastert.

They need a candidate who will appeal to women. Perhaps Christine Whitman? I wonder if she got burned too badly as head of the EPA.

Jennifer Dunn? She's retiring from the House after this year. One problem, though: she's pro-choice.

Steve Largent?

What would Rove do? (what will Rove do?)

10:19:21 PM    ; comment []

Last time I came up to Friday Harbor two weeks ago, my SPOT watch lost a radio signal just north of Everett and stayed out of reach the whole time I was in the San Juans.

This time, it's found the radio signal from Victoria! Friday Harbor is actually only 10-15 miles from Victoria, but on the other side of a range of hills, so the reception is a little spotty around town. After about 5 hours in town, it seems to be locking on about half the time. I'll experiment more. I feel kinda geeky walking around with my watch showing the "watch info" settings so I can see signal strength, though. Are we going to start referring to this as SPOT-chalking?

At any rate, it was a pleasant surprise. I went up to the msn direct page and registered my location as "victoria" for the weekend; that way I'll get messages and calendar updates here (all the other channels always work, no matter where MSN Direct thinks you are).  This coming week, I'll be doing a whirlwind tour through four cities -- I'll let you know how it goes.

9:03:33 PM    ; comment []

My favorite Tablet PC application is Microsoft Money.

It's very visual and hyperlinked. And the designers put a ton of work into reducing the amount of data entry required to a bare minimum -- which is exactly the sweet spot for pen input.  So lots of things to click on, and very little typing required.


8:54:41 PM    ; comment []

All I can say is: wow.

The kids and I got on the ferry, threw our stuff in a booth, and settled in for the ride. I, for my part, stretched out and promptly fell asleep.

15 minutes later I was awoken by a loud noise. Turned out to be nothing, but I bolted upright and my always-so-helpful adrenal gland did its thing so I'm wide awake now. Only to realize that I don't mind so much, because it's a spectacular, glorious day on the water. Blue sky with just a little bit of haze. Calm waters, no wind. The sun pouring through the window and warming my face -- it feels wonderful, like a long-lost friend giving me a great bear hug.

Just the steady hum of the ferry's engine, vibrating thruogh the boat, massaging the stress away and luring me back to sleep. Elly's already there, curled up on the bench seat. Xanda has her nose in a book.

All of this is a clear reminder of why I come here, and a nagging question as to why I ever leave.

3:09:59 PM    ; comment []

My kids and I are going off to Friday Harbor for a 3-day weekend. The weather is cooperating, too... more from the ferry in a couple of hours.

11:51:02 AM    ; comment []

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Last update: 8/23/2004; 10:09:10 PM.
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