My daughters and I finished Myst IV: Revelation tonight.
All I can say is: wow. This game is freakin' fantastic.
Previously, we had loved Myst, Riven and Exile, but not so much Uru, so I was worried that the series had gone off-track. But this really renews my faith in Ubisoft -- the graphics (and seamless embedding of animation and video) are stunning, but what really made the whole came is the story -- which really carries you away. There were a couple of places where my daughters got so wrapped up in the tension of it that they needed me to make the next few moves while they stood on the other side of the room.
I hope Ubisoft continues on the series. I've just read that there are a couple of expansion packs for Uru that improve things considerably, so I'm going to do a bit more research and decide from there whether to bother trying them.
11:06:33 PM ; ;