I was in Portland (Oregon) over the weekend for an ACM-related meeting. For once, I had excellent timing. I drove down from Seattle Friday evening (left Seattle around 7pm, arrived about 10pm). In the wee hours of the morning, a weather system moved through that dropped freezing rain on Portland. The temperature stayed below freezing essentially and through Sunday morning, creating a wonderful layer of solid ice on most of the downtown streets and sidewalks and bringing traffic to a crshing halt (quite literally). It thawed midday Sunday, in time for me to leave around 2:30 and not really have any ice issues on the roads.
The amusing part was that the U.S. Figure Skating championship was in Portland. I doubt they have much sympathy for figure skaters who are late to their events because of icy roads -- you'd think if anyone ought to be able to deal with that particular situation, they would.
I got a couple of hours at Powell's, and brought a half-dozen books home with me, including one that my daughter had been trying tof ind for a while. I'm just about done with Palm Sunday, but I think Stone Butch Blues is going to go back in the queue, because I now have a copy of Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Jesus' Childhood Pal. I'm one chapter in (thanks to the coffee shop at Powell's) and so far it's great.
8:53:50 PM ; ;