Kevin Schofield's Weblog
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Thursday, January 20, 2005

The folks at Lucas who do the Star Wars web site are really top-notch; lots of others could learn a lesson or three from them. Always interesting content, lots of behind-the-scenes stuff, book reviews, discussion forums. And then some wacky stuff, like this.

7:29:28 PM    ; comment []

Descartes and Heisenberg walk into a bar and order drinks. After they empty their glasses, the bartender comes over and asks them if they would like another round. Descartes ponders this for a moment and replies "I think not" -- then POOF! disappears.

The bartender, obviously shocked, turns to Heisenberg and says "Did you see that???"

Heisenberg pauses to consider, then replies "I'm uncertain."

5:56:47 PM    ; comment []

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Pattern Recognition
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