More trips
I couldn't make it to Boston again this week for the SAP Sapphire users conference. I am able to watch a video of the event. It was supposed to be live, but I couldn't pick up either keynote this morning live. It wouldn't work with my Mac PowerBook either with Safari (my preferred browser) or IE. So, over to my home brew Windows machine. Still no live feeds, but you can watch the keynotes that are archived. Try this link, registration required.
Tonight and again tomorrow I'm making the 35 mile trek up to Lima, Ohio to see a demonstration of a Foundation Fieldbus demonstration at the old BP Chemicals plant. The section where the demo is now is owned by ISP. More on this tomorrow after my visit.
This begs a question for you. Anyone using any of these digital fieldbuses very much, yet? FF or Profibus or DeviceNet/EtherNetIP? Any others? What do you think? Are they saving you money or making things easier? Send me a note.
3:39:44 PM