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 Friday, March 5, 2004

Pete Gaughan (March 2)

Democratic presidential candidates by Calif. congressional district:,

Kerry and Edwards were over the 15% threshold in every CD [congressional district]. Here's every other instance where any candidate was at 10% or more in a particular CD:

  • District 6 (Marin County): Kucinich 10.1% -- I called this a "slim" chance of reaching 15% and getting a delegate.

  • District 8 (San Francisco): Kucinich 13.7% -- I called this a "solid" chance.

  • District 9 (East Bay): Kucinich 13.5% -- I called this "slim".

  • District 17 (Monterey/Santa Cruz): Kucinich 10.3% -- I wasn't following any particular area beyond the S.F. Bay, but Santa Cruz is like a low-budget Marin so this makes sense.

In the districts where I said Dean might have a chance of a delegate, he polled...

  • District 8 (San Francisco), 5.3%;

  • District 9 (East Bay), 4.6%;

  • District 15 (Silicon Valley), 3.9%.

Dean and Kucinich ran 3rd/4th or 4th/3rd almost everywhere. Dean only reached five percent or more in seven CDs, Kucinich did it in twelve. Dean's best result was 6.4% in District 47 (Anaheim/Santa Ana).


Thanks, Pete.

In other words, Geoff was right and I was wrong about only Edwards votes counting against Kerry, owing to the fact that no one else beat the 15% threshold. On the other hand, looking at the total Kerry vote, it looks like even if every non-Kerry vote went to Edwards, Kerry would still have won enough delegates to effectively clinch it.

Looking at the other states, I see only a few places where anyone other than Kerry or Edwards won delegates: nine in Vermont for Dean, eight in New York for Sharpton, and five in Minnesota and four in Ohio for Kucinich.

Now that Edwards has dropped, I wonder where the anti-Kerry protest will go for the rest of the primaries. I guess Kucinich.

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