4:29:24 PM |
The EM8620L family provides highly-integrated solutions for IP video, DVD, MPEG-4 and Windows MediaR Video (WMV9) decoding. Based on the company's award-winning REALmagicR Video Technology, it incorporates flexible, advanced audio/video processing, enabling cost-effective solutions for consumer appliances, such as video endpoints, portable media players, DVD receivers and DVD players with networking and/or PVR. The EM8620L family also enables manufacturers to easily incorporate advanced capabilities such as streaming video, progressive DVD playback, video-on-demand (VOD) and picture-in-picture (PIP) functionality into their products. Hey, we can use it to build a hardware player in a portable hardisc. 4:14:40 PM |
Remember the good old time ? 3:43:08 PM |
Un-Resistable Toy. 3:28:23 PM |
What can I say ? 3:10:18 PM |
Real Gold Fish. 2:53:25 PM |
博愛國小谷關分校老師張健華與伙伴在網路上發起為孩子募集圖書的心願工程。他說,請捐好書給裡冷部落的孩子,他願意負擔運費。部落也很需要「故事媽媽」義工,希望能有人能到部落培訓家長;也歡迎大學社團到部落帶孩子閱讀。部落圖書室需要書、需要義工,但不需要捐款。 聯絡地址:台中縣和平鄉博愛村東關路一段裡冷巷卅二號,聯絡電話:○九三二五八三二五○或二五九五一四六九。 1:13:31 PM |
Weblogs in Education. Here are some interesting articles promoting weblogs in education: Edublogs - Excellent article listing benefits of weblogs for teachers and students with links to numerous examples. 11:07:39 AM |
Agile Development. On today's walk, I listened to an interview with Alistair Cockburn, whose concepts of Agile Development, designed for creating software, are perfectly applicable to Instructional Design.
Development is a cooperative game"Software development is a series of resource-limited, goal-directed cooperative games of invention and communication. The primary goal of each game is the production and deployment of a software system; the residue of the game is a set of markers to assist the players of the next game. People use markers and props to remind, inspire and inform each other in getting to the next move in the game. The next game is an alteration of the system or the creation of a neighboring system. Each game therefore has as a secondary goal to create an advantageous position for the next game. Since each game is resource-limited, the primary and secondary goals compete for resources.A move isn't right or wrong; it's better or worse. People trump process (and in a small group, seven or less, the process is nearly automatic). Politics trump people. (Power corrupts....) The archive on Cockburn's website contains a wonderful article entitled Process: the Fourth Dimension (Tricking the Iron Triangle) Cockburn writes that the "iron triangle" of project constraints (time, resources, and scope) is missing an important component: Processes. "The three outdated and inefficient process conventions I tend to watch and replace areCockburn has a lot more where these came from. Take a look in the Agile Toolbox. [Internet Time Blog] 10:57:38 AM |
Check it up next time you are there. 10:23:57 AM |