
'Hacking iPod + iTunes' reveals little-known secrets. John Wiley & Sons announced on Wednesday the publication of Scott Knaster's book "Hacking iPod + iTunes" (US$24.99) under the company's ExtremeTech imprint. The 312-page tome covers tips and tricks for getting more out of Apple's iTunes music software and iPod music player, such as how to download e-mail messages and news headlines to an iPod or how to save streaming music in the iTunes library. He also discusses the wide variety of third party accessories available for iPod and mentions which ones work best. Knaster even touches on such topics as creating and playing adventure games on an iPod and changing the album covers found in iTunes. [MacCentral]
5:27:45 PM    

Windows/Linux hybrid. Windows/Linux hybrid: Surprising... apparently some hardware manufacturers are now shipping computers with Microsoft Windows for office work, and embedded Linux applications for leisure-time media chores. "The NEC Versa S3000 will use InterVideo's InstantOn technology to enable users to listen to... [JD on MX]
3:32:15 PM    

1:56:40 PM    

Blogs Are Really Boring. I've come to the conclusion that blogs are boring. And the comments on blog entries are often worse than boring. Not only are many of them silly, but just like the online guest books of 10 years ago, the software... [Robin Good's Latest News]
1:24:30 PM    

颱風天放假在家,時間突然多了起來。若想要打電話與朋友聊天,大哥大的電話費一定很令人吃不消。好在隨著網路電話的流行,即時通訊軟體Skype,成了許 多人免費通話的好管道。雖然它的傳訊介面看起來很簡單,但是通話品質卻是清楚的沒話說,就算用撥接的,無論人在天涯海角,依然可以通話哦!但它有個缺點, 聯絡人無法像MSN、ICQ般,就算換了電腦,聯絡人依然存在。其實只要透過一些小技巧,就能解決這個困擾啦!
使用p2p技術、可穿越各種防火牆的Skype,只要通話的雙方都有安裝此軟體,搭配耳機、麥克風,就可以雙方即時通話,最高可支援5人同時通話。不過有 使用過的人應該知道,這個軟體通話雖然很清楚,但是辛辛苦苦增加的聯絡人,一旦換一台電腦,就得再重新再搜尋、新增聯絡人一次,非常不方便。想要徹底解決 這個煩惱也不難,只要找對Skype的聯絡人檔案位置,備份到新電腦中,所有聯絡人就可全部回來了。

因為這個檔案是存放在隱藏檔中,Windows的預設值是無法看到,我們必須先將它找出來。先找到Windows的硬碟區,大多數人是存在C:,接 著點選「工具」,再按「資料夾選項」,選擇「檢視」的頁籤,將「隱藏已知檔案類型的副檔名」、「隱藏保護的作業系統檔案」前打勾的部分拿掉,點選「顯示所 有檔案和資料夾」,「顯示系統資料夾的內容」,再按「確定」。

回到C:,找到「Documents and Settings」,找到登入Windows系統時的帳號名稱檔案夾,再利用滑鼠點進去,點選透明的「Application Data」後,找到Skype的檔案夾,點進去後,可以看到Skype帳號名稱,複製下來,再依同樣的方式備份到新電腦中,聯絡人就統統回來了。要注意的 是,由於Windows預設許多隱藏檔是希望用戶不要隨便亂刪檔案,造成系統不穩,因此,除了備份聯絡人清單外,其它檔案可不要隨便亂動哦!

12:26:14 PM    

Contents vs Subscripters

There are 2 model of the 2 party.

A.Dynamic Content vs Static Subscriber. Like magazine,news,TV show .... . The viewer are static but the contents are dynamics

B.Static Content vs Dynamic Subscriber. Like school,reduce-weight(if it wroks),... . The contents are statics but the subscriber are changing all the time.

Which one is better ? I personally like the second one, static content vs dynamic subscriber.

11:13:30 AM    

There are 2 Identities .

a.Computer Hardware Identity b.Personal Identity

How Identities Server know who is infront of Computer ?So, maybe it is better to let the computer KNOW who is using the computer and generate the Identity information and verify by user .And Identity server only use to authenticate the computer hardware.

We got many identity for different parties.

Our identity in the country, in the Club,in the company,in the school,in the bank. It is all different. There is no way to use a single identity for all. The only thing i know about single identiy is myself.

11:07:22 AM    

Chris finds another interesting item: an FCC Public Notice indicating.... Chris finds another interesting item: an FCC Public Notice indicating that Sony intends to use Hi-MD for Video recording. [MiniDisc Community Site]
11:02:11 AM    

Forget the endless iPod vs. MD arguments, a friend points out.... Forget the endless iPod vs. MD arguments, a friend points out a comparison of iPod vs. Cassette . [MiniDisc Community Site]
11:01:25 AM    

The Emergence Of Secondary Markets For Digital Media. eBay has just announced that during a 180-day pilot it will allow digital music files for download. "Pre-approved" resellers will be able to offer downloadable music within auctions at eBay. Is this the beginning of a legal secondary market for... [Robin Good's Latest News]
10:57:57 AM    

rssWAtch. rssWatch: This is a ColdFusion application which "allows you to create a custom set of searches against a number of RSS feeds. rssWatch will monitor these feeds once an hour, and if a match is found will send an email."... [JD on MX]
10:56:44 AM    

Sony adds 2GB Memory Stick Pro, ups read/write speeds. Sony Electronics announced on Tuesday the addition of a 2GB Memory Stick Pro card ("about US$700") to its line-up of storage options compatible with the company's digital cameras and other mobile devices. The entire line of Memory Stick Pro and Pro Duo media will also receive higher read/write speeds, up to 10MB per second, later this year. They'll be identifiable by their red color and the addition of the words "High Speed." The 256MB ($100), 512MB ($170) and 1GB ($350) Memory Stick Pro media, as well as the 256MB ($105) and 512MB ($175) Memory Stick Pro Duo, will be available in High Speed in October, with the 1GB ($350) Memory Stick Pro Duo and new 2GB Memory Stick Pro cards shipping in November. [MacCentral]
10:40:26 AM    

Sorenson Squeeze 4 ships. Sorenson Media on Wednesday announced the release of Sorenson Squeeze 4 for Mac and Windows, the latest major upgrade to its line of video compression applications. The line includes Sorenson Squeeze 4 Compression Suite, Sorenson Squeeze 4 for Macromedia Flash MX and Sorenson Squeeze 4 for MPEG-4. [MacCentral]
10:39:22 AM    

RIAA files 896 new file-trading lawsuits. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has filed 896 new lawsuits against file traders using peer-to-peer (P-to-P) services, the organization announced Wednesday. Wednesday's total includes 744 new lawsuits against users of a variety of P-to-P services, including Kazaa, eDonkey and Grokster Ltd. The RIAA filed an additional 152 lawsuits against people already identified in the litigation process who declined RIAA offers to settle their cases, according to the RIAA. Not including the lawsuits announced Wednesday, the RIAA has filed more than 1,500 lawsuits against alleged music uploaders since January. [MacCentral]
10:37:56 AM    

Rate : 3/5

10:34:51 AM    

Rate : 3/5

10:31:48 AM    

Rate : 5/5,Must Read.

10:30:42 AM    

Rate : 3.5/5,Must Read

10:28:44 AM