

6:14:37 PM    

1:53:45 PM    

W3C and Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Establish Formal Relationship. 2004-07-29: W3C and the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) today announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) enabling their cooperation on mobile Web specifications. "Together, W3C and OMA are well positioned to lead development toward technological compatibility and the ease of repurposing Web content, known as single Web authoring," said Philipp Hoschka (W3C). In widespread use, W3C Recommendations for the mobile industry include XHTML Basic markup, SMIL multimedia and SVG graphics. Read the press release and more about Device Independence. (News archive) [World Wide Web Consortium]
1:33:09 PM    

udn-yam 宏碁交大 合開數位內容公司
記者林信昌/台北報導 宏碁為發展數位內容產業,決定與交大數位創意產業發展中心合作,成立「電子出版」、「數位音樂」兩家數位內容公司,與各大出版社及五大唱片公司洽談入股合作。
施振榮說,宏碁數位創作獎精神為「搞創意無罪、中學生萬歲」,意在鼓勵中學生擺脫形式的束縛,發揮無限創意,投入數位創作,宏碁每年將贊助獎金300萬 元,其中個人首獎高達30萬元,是首獎獎金最高的中學生競賽。施振榮認為,國內發展資訊電子產業多年,一直以生產資訊硬體為主,軟體產業發展相形失色,未 來台灣發展數位內容產業仍然大有可為,但在知識經濟時代,數位內容產業需要更多人投入,也應該鼓勵產業投入創新,主導全球工業設計的流行。 因此,交大數創中心在交大教授劉育東規劃下,近期將成立電子出版與數位音樂兩家新公司,擬具初期投資與營運方案,積極爭取各界入股。

1:29:56 PM    

iPod It 2.4 adds Entourage 2004 support, more. Developer ZappTek has released iPod It 2.4, the new version of the company's utility for exporting personal data from Entourage, Mail, iCal and other applications, as well as downloading news and weather, to your iPod. The upgrade offers almost 40 changes and enhancements, including support for Entourage 2004, the ability to download news articles in full as well as multiple weather forecasts, the addition of custom contact fields and IM addresses for Entourage and Address Book data and more. iPod It is a US$14.95 application that requires Mac OS X v10.2. [MacCentral]
1:26:57 PM    

udn-yam 蒙古來台招商







1:24:35 PM    

Based on our EM8510 Digital Media Processor, the PVP-8510 portable video player development kit enables the rapid development of next-generation portable video players that support playback of MPEG, DivX™ Video, WMA, MP3 and MPEG-4 AVI files.

Our Professional Services Group offers hardware and software design assistance to customize the final design to your specifications.

Key Features:

  • Complete solution for next-generation portable video players.
  • Supports MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX Video, MP3, WMA and JPEG.
  • 3.5” TFT LCD, 320x240, 256K colors.
  • 20GB 1.8” HDD.
  • Video outputs include NTSC/PAL composite and S-video.
  • Audio outputs include stereo line out, S/PDIF and headphones.
  • Includes development platform, SDK, development tools, schematics, bill of materials, Gerber files, and documentation.

10:49:23 AM    

Easy-To-Use Digital Photo Album For PC, Mac And Linux: B*Gallery. An interesting image publishing and photo album-creation software is the one from B*Gallery. The software, which costs only $ 19.95 to be fully registered, has versions for Windows, Mac and Linux and it stands out from the crowd for its... [Robin Good's Latest News]
9:13:07 AM    

PC Security? 20 Minutes Is All You Have. Researchers at the SANS Institute's Internet Storm Center estimate that an unprotected PC will be compromised within 20 minutes of being connected to the Internet, down from an estimated 40 minutes last year. The estimate is based on observations of... [Robin Good's Latest News]
9:12:40 AM    

Usability Testing: Get A Captive Audience + No Online Surveys. "To discover which designs work best, watch users as they attempt to perform tasks with the user interface. This method is so simple that many people overlook it, assuming that there must be something more to usability testing. Of course,... [Robin Good's Latest News]
9:12:02 AM    

9:06:29 AM    

PDFZone on FlashPaper. PDFZone on FlashPaper: I'm not sure of the current status of this article at PDFZone by Dave Wraight... if you click through the various mislabeldd "Part 1" "Part 2" and further pages, you'll see they have a variety of dates,... [JD on MX]
9:00:13 AM    


Infothela is a mobile unit meant for providing and exchanging information through fax, internet, telephony etc. It will serve the purpose of education, entertainment, and provide agriculture based information, weather information, health care information, government information, etc.

The idea of designing an infothela is to provide, exchange information at village level where fruits of modern technology have not reached yet. The factor of mobility is of utmost important here as the thela can move from place to place in a day and one or more cluster of villages which are situated 3-4 kms apart in general and thus the thela can provide its services to all those villagers.

The thela will generate a self-employment avenues (just like PCOs) for urban and village population. It is a self-sustaining project aimed to deliver information and spread knowledge among poor masses.


It is basically a pedal driven vehicle just like a common cycle rickshaw and there will be a personal computer on board which will be connected to internet using wireless technology. It is designed keeping in mind the village conditions in the country where electric power is not available all the time. So a pedal generator is designed in such a way that while pedaling, battery will keep on charging for running the on board computers and equipments. The battery power pack for Infothela has been developed.

It is also designed to accommodate diagnostic equipments like blood pressure testing machine, blood sugar testing machine, and some other primary health diagnostic and testing equipments.

8:56:53 AM    

大中華區 Macromedia MAX 2004

The power of experience. MAX.

2004 年 11 月 9 - 10 日 — 台北


除了令人目不暇給的多媒體動畫、創新與多變的網頁設計效果,這一次,Macromedia 將帶給您更多技術與實務上的新觀點,讓您的創意不落人後,實力不容小覷!

「大中華區 Macromedia MAX 2004」即將在 2004年11月9-10日於台北六福皇宮強力登場。不但將為您帶來最新的網站與應用程式最新趨勢,更精心安排了「六大課程」,讓您的技術更上一層樓。

除此之外,您還可以和業界高手齊聚一堂,一起腦力激盪、分享資訊、學習最佳技巧,共同體驗 MAX 的力量!

11 月 9 - 10 日,我們台北見!現在就報名參加吧!

日期: 2004 年 11 月 9 - 10 日
地點: 台北六福皇宮 (台北市中山區南京東路三段 133 號)

10 月 8 日以前搶先報名,可立即省下 NT$3,500 / HK$800

10 月 8 日以前搶先報名者,報名特惠價 NT$5,000 / HK$1,200;
10 月 8 日以後報名者,恢復原價 NT$8,500 / HK$2,000;

    五人同行 學生
10 月 8 日以前搶先報名特惠價 NT$5,000 / HK$1,200 NT$21,250 / HK$5,100 NT$2,500/ HK$600
原價 NT$8,500 / HK$2,000 NT$36,125/ HK$8,500 NT$4,250/ HK$1,000


現在就去報名 ›

8:51:13 AM    

Tokyo Edge: More Video Options (PC World). PC World - Hard-drive video recorders support HDTV, while Blu-ray and HD-DVD wait in the wings. Plus: pricey headphones and cheap megapixels. [Yahoo! News - Technology]
8:45:02 AM    

Crypto researchers abuzz over flaws. Presenters at the Crypto 2004 conference identify faster ways to forge digital signatures with popular security algorithms. [CNET News.com]
8:44:22 AM