
Toshiba's 80GB in 1.5".

Toshiba appears to now have an 80GB 1.8" hard drive coming out, making it the world's highest capacity for this size.

They've beaten us to an English translation of their press release, though. Those jokers.

6:01:09 PM    

New Media Research Networks Fund. Canadian Heritage has announced funding for research in new media. "Under this Fund, a group of public and private sector partners organize themselves into a network so that researchers can share knowledge, resources and facilities. This Network will develop a research program centered on a particular theme, which has relevance for the cultural sector and promotes innovation in new media or digital content interactive." A link to the application guidelines is on the site; click on the PDF version, as the HTML link simply takes you on a long aimless tour. Funds 75 percent, up to $600K. Deadline for expressions of interest: January 31, 2005. By Announcement, Canadian Heritage, December, 2004 [Refer][Research][Reflect] [OLDaily]
10:42:44 AM    


Flickr, the photo software for the web, is astonishly good. If you post photos on the web, you simply must try it right away. (Did I mention that it's free?)

This morning I uploaded photos of modern Chinese art that I'd snapped at the China Club in Berlin. Drag and drop. Drop-dead simple.

Check these out: The set of photos. The slide show.

A thumbnail (automatically generated)

A display image (automatically generated)

china6 The uploaded image

For several years, I have championed visual learning. Give me pictures and diagrams so I can grok the gestalt. Today I add Flickr to the growing constellation of technologies that promote learning. Expect to see some experiments in the next few days.

Experiment #1 -- Internet Time Models. [Internet Time Blog]
10:37:33 AM    

Turn Old Phones into Car Alarms

phone_alarm.jpg imageA company called Bladox is selling an auto alarm kit for cellphones that uses an accelerometer to determine if your car or bike has been taken without your permission, then uses the phone to call or leave an SMS to any of a variety of pre-programmed numbers. Even better, they sell it as a kit for tinkerers, too, so if you want to wire the phone and motion detector into the rest of your vehicle's circuitry you can. Or if you just want to leave an old cellphone stashed inside your car somewhere, the company sells clip-on backs to many common phones with the circuits integrated inside.

The lesson of all this is: always throw away any mobile phones you see inside a car you've just stolen, preferably into the bin of a truck moving in the opposite direction.

Product Page [Bladox]
Prom??te sv?j telefon v autoalarm (Czech) [IdnesCZ]

- lev (joeljohnson@gmail.com) [Gizmodo]
10:35:42 AM    

Software Should Not Be Copyrighted -- Lawsuit (Reuters). Reuters - Computer software should not be protected by copyright laws designed for music, literature and other creative works, according to a lawsuit filed in a U.S. court in San Francisco. [Yahoo! News: Technology]
9:43:01 AM