
Apple and Motorola On Track for iTunes Phone

iphone_old.jpg imageThis article in Forbes about the work between Apple and Motorola to produce what has (inevitably) become referred to as an 'iPhone' has re-ignited speculation about the degree to which the team-up will be just a simple outlet for iTunes music or a full-fledged move by Apple into the mobile phone market. Nothing in the article implies that Apple has had a hand in designing the user interface or the look of the phone itself, so it's really up in the air until more information is unveiled (possibly at the upcoming MacWorld in January). Some on Slashdot have wondered if the obviously flash memory-based phones are in fact the rumored iPod Flash itself. Unlikely, considering all the noise to the contrary coming out of Apple the last few months, but possible. Assuming the phone (or phones!) and the iPod Flash are two distinct products, Jobs might be reticent to unveil both at the same time, fearing that one might take the shine off the other.

Who knows? The one thing everyone should do, though, is not panic. This isn't new news, and until Apple and Moto decide to show us what they're cooking up (or gadget gods willing, someone leaks it), it's probably best to assume that this is Apple dipping their iTunes toes into the water and seeing how it works out.

Also, this picture is bogus and old, to boot. I post it only so I can disclaim it.

Get Ready To Call ITunes [Forbes]

Motorola Webcast Highlights [Gizmodo]

- lev (joeljohnson@gmail.com) [Gizmodo]
2:43:36 PM    

More Copy Restricted CDs from Sony and BMG

spmub_cd.jpg imageCNet is reporting that Sony and BMG are set to unleash a new format of copy-restricted CDs some time next year, one designed to both work in the majority of CD players yet remain invulnerable to the crafty wiles of the pirate's shift key. There's nothing else to say, really. If you buy them, you deserve them. If you buy one accidentally, take it back.

New CD copy-lock technology nears market [CNet via TheInquirer]

- lev (joeljohnson@gmail.com) [Gizmodo]
2:42:48 PM    

Solar Powered Wallpaper

solar_wallpaper.jpg imageTreehugger points out an innovative student project from NYU that adds electroluminescent materials to wallpaper, hiding in the background as traditional design elements when there is ample ambient light, then releasing stored sunlight through glowing elements as the lights dim. A prototype will be shown at the Winter Show at the Tisch School of the Arts this Sunday and Monday.

Solar-Powered Wallpaper [Treehugger]

- lev (joeljohnson@gmail.com) [Gizmodo]
2:40:41 PM