
torrentized. Check it out, the Daily Source Code is now being tested as a bittorrent. Soon to be implemented right in my Podcast feed so your iPodder will be able to download it from the torrent file saving loads of bandwidth. Boooinnngg! [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog]
8:21:20 AM    

Amazing Blogging Growth. Blogging is growing at a phenomenal rate with a new blog being registered every 7.8 seconds.

Blogs are being established by a wide range of people from individuals who simply want to express their thoughts through to corporate communication executives who want to influence their market place. Blogs enable information to be disseminated almost instantaneously. They are easy to set up, easy to use and they are easy on your audience. Complete Article [RSS Blog]
8:17:03 AM    

Samsung Anycall Theater

anycall_theater.jpg imageIt's great to be back in New York. Every time I leave, I come back to a city that is a little bit more my home than before. Since I've got a lot of catching up to do today (not nearly as much if Brendan Koerner hadn't kept things in check last week, though!) expect quite a few short clean up posts. I'm sure you'll be able to live without my erudite insights into the latest leather cell phone case or whatever.

Inaugurally, this Samsung 'Anycall Theater' is a speaker dock designed to let you use your Samsung phone as a stereo (practical) or television (arrr, squinty).

Samsung "Anycall Theater" [Slashphone]

- lev (joeljohnson@gmail.com) [Gizmodo]
8:09:43 AM    

Gundam Guitar II: Heat Hawk

heat_axe.jpg imageApparently the same company that made the Gundam Gun Guitar that I saw in Akihabara also makes this 'Heat Hawk' version in the shape of an axe used by Gundam Zaku. My buddy Scott Rowan writes:

They are/were manufactured by a company called Banpresto (http://www.banpresto.co.jp/) and released in 2002. The guitars have an internal amp and speaker. Pulling the trigger plays back one of 3 Gundam sound effects. Couldn't find any info on whether the magazine does anything. 1 metre length, 3.5 kg weight, battery powered.

I think I'm going to spring for the Gun Guitar. I'll just use that stupid money I was going to use for taxes.

Catalog Page [LaLaBitMarket]

Gizmodo in Japan: Gun Guitar [Gizmodo]

- lev (joeljohnson@gmail.com) [Gizmodo]
8:05:57 AM