
Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) Version 2 Requirements. A new draft of the requirements list for the Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) Version 2 is now available. By Susanne Guth and Renato Iannella, November 24, 2004 [Refer][Research][Reflect] [OLDaily]
4:34:02 PM    

US consumer electronics prices experience the biggest decline in 5 months. Falling prices in September for plasma televisions and digital cameras sparked the biggest monthly decline in US consumer electronics prices in five months, according to NPD Consumer Electronics Price Watch. A decline of 9.2% (or about $250) in prices of 42-inch plasma screen TVs brought the sets' average price to below $2,500 for the first time and led an overall decline of 2.7% for the most popular consumer electronics goods. The price for a market basket of the 27 most popular... [AlwaysOn Network]
4:29:20 PM    


電腦報記者/ 陳珮雯

中華電信MOD(多媒體隨選視訊)服務今天(11/24)宣布引進新的內容,目前已與空中大學簽約,並和無線5臺、新加坡影片代理商Anytime簽署合 作備忘錄,將在MOD平臺播放無線數位電視頻道及好萊大片商影片,而HBO、ESPN兩個熱門頻道最快也可望在明年(2005)進駐MOD平臺。


據了解,原本今年MOD平臺即可播放HBO、Cinamax及ESPN、衛視體育臺,但請HBO進行報價時,中華電信卻遲未收到HBO的回應,經了解才知 道因有線電視系統播放業者施壓,頻道代理商永同公司不願授權MOD播放HBO頻道,由於中華電信已取得有線電視經營執照,永同此舉違反公平交易法,公平會 已去函要求永同向MOD釋出頻道播映權,不過在有線電視業者的壓力下,永同不予理會,因此公平會將再次去函嚴厲要求永同公平對待中華電信。


另外,中華電信也與Anytime結盟,將於明年1月正式簽約,Anytime已取得福斯、華納、環球與新力的影片播放權,中華電信也將自明年2月6日至 14日的農曆年節提供12部好萊強檔片免費隨選視訊(VOD)。這12部影片包括特洛伊─木馬屠城記、末代武士、凡赫辛、哈利波特─阿茲卡班的逃犯、怒 海爭鋒─極地征伐、遇上波莉、小飛俠彼得潘、鬼影人、20/30/40、失控的陪審團、十二生笑及愛是您愛是我等。

中華電信協理張宗彥表示,與Anytime的合作除了支付包底的權利金之外,也會取MOD用戶的中間值,再拆分從每位用戶收到的費用給Anytime。而 電影院線片下檔後半年即可上架至MOD平臺,比錄影帶出租店慢,但比有線電視快一步,每部影片的點選價格將比錄影帶出租店便宜,非強檔片每部新臺幣20 元,熱門強片每部則為60元至70元。







中華電信第一批向華電聯網採購、並已交貨的3萬臺機上盒即將用罄,年底前華電聯網、宏碁將再供貨3萬臺,屆時總計有6萬臺機上盒供應,而中華電信年底 MOD用戶目標訂為4.8萬。明年(2005)中華電信將再採購43萬臺機上盒,並已於11月10日投標,預計12月決標,明年1月中開始交貨,3、4月 時大量供貨。新一批機上盒開始供應後,中華電信董事長賀陳旦表示,中南部也預計於明年3月開臺,明年底MOD用戶目標為30萬。



10:38:46 AM    

The Cigarette Counter

cig_counter.jpg imageSmoking is horrible. It stinks, it's bad for your health, and probably the health of those around you as well. If you do it, certain people will assume you must be the product of an incestuous tryst, probably having taken place in an outhouse in the foothills of some mountain range or another, to the sweet strains of Dueling Banjos. Which, of course, is why I have RJ Reynolds on speed dial. But like so many others, I've tried to quit. Could the Cigarette Counter finally take me where patches and gums, pointed fingers and deliberate fake coughing by obnoxious jerks could not? No, probably not. But it's a lot cheaper than most alternatives, and if nothing else, if one actually uses it, one cannot help but to be aware of exactly how much they're smoking. And that, whether you're trying to quit or not, might be a useful bit of data to chew on. Or suck on and inhale, whatever you prefer.

Ciggy ciggy sputnik. [via RedFerret]

- Ryan [Gizmodo]
8:01:22 AM