
Skype + Kazaa = ? [Slashdot:]
3:48:20 PM    

Microsoft To Patent Instructional Feedback To User Responses. As reported by Slashdot contributor "timothy", Microsoft has been seeking a patent for early childhood education that focuses around the ability for a system to provide appropriate feedback to an unstructured user response. More precisely, the Microsoft invention, is a...... [Robin Good's Latest News]
3:34:33 PM    

Digital TV revenues to double in 2005. The combination of government deadlines and the continued emergence of advanced TV technologies will cause digital television shipments to rise at a 44.5% compound annual growth rate, from 19.9 mln in 2004 to 86.6 mln by 2008, according to iSuppli. Revenue from digital TV sales will double in 2004, from $31.4 bln this year to $62.8 bln in 2008. More on this story at www.ITfacts.biz [AlwaysOn Network]
3:30:42 PM