



新 華網引述一份科學報告指出,男性每天凝望漂亮女性幾分鐘,有助於健康長壽。研究人員對兩百名男性進行為期五年觀察,發現和其他男人相比,每天有機會遭遇漂 亮女性的男人,血壓相對較低、脈搏跳動較慢,心臟疾病也比較少,平均壽命至少可以延長四到五年。 負責這項研究的學者表示,男人彬彬有禮地凝視美麗的女人,就好像欣賞一幅絕美風景畫,有助於身心健康。凝視美麗的女人十分鐘,健身效果差不多相當於做了三 十分鐘的有氧運動,專家們相信,持之以恆地做這些眼部活動,將可有效降低中風和罹患心臟病機率。

1:53:52 PM    

Lexmark suffers setback in DMCA case. Round three of ink cartridge scrap to SCC [The Register]
10:50:55 AM    

A-Life: Automata, Ants, Biomorphs and Bacteria. Artificial life algorithms are now in the hands of Computational artists using Flash. What kind of artworks and experiments have A-Life at their core? [ActionScript.com's FlashWeek]
10:29:22 AM    

RSA Throws Its Hat into the OMA DRM Ring
By DRM Watch Staff
October 28, 2004

RSA Security announced a DRM solution for mobile content, BSAFE Mobile Rights Management, on Tuesday in conjunction with the Jupiter DRM Strategies conference in Los Angeles.  BSAFE, which will be available in January 2005, supports the OMA DRM 2.0 standard and the ODRL 1.1 rights expression language.  It is designed to integrate with RSA's server security software for identity, certificate, and access management. 

Normally we would not be very excited about yet another OMA-compliant DRM technology for mobile content, but this one is significant for a couple of reasons.  First, and most importantly, RSA has been a key (pun intended) contributor to the OMA DRM standards, so they have both proven expertise and strong relationships with the device makers and others that are implementing those standards. 

Secondly, we had been wondering when one of the leading security infrastructure vendors -- such as RSA, Verisign, or Entrust -- would finally enter the DRM market.  For vendors like those that are accustomed to selling products at the level of software libraries to other software developers, DRM represents a "vertical market solution" -- which requires fundamentally different sales and marketing approaches, and which is one among many possible vertical market solutions that a security technology company could investigate. 

RSA's entry into the mobile content arena has broader implications for the trajectory of the OMA DRM standards.  Because RSA's other products are standard features of corporate enterprise information security infrastructures, this could be a way for OMA DRM to find its way into corporate applications.  Not all mobile content is for entertainment purposes; in the future, some will be strictly business.

10:20:48 AM    

Microsoft vs. Google [Edu_RSS]
9:44:54 AM