
Copy from http://blog.mathemagenic.com/2004/06/08.html#a1233

  My dream wiki/weblog tool

At last BlogWalk I was trying to explain my ideas about ideal wiki/weblog tool, so just writing them down.

I wrote about blogs and wikis for thinking earlier, so just in brief on what is important for me:

  • process - weblogs are good to keep track of ideas unfolding; datestamp and preserving the original are important
  • outcome - wikis are good for (collaborative) working on integrating, refactoring and connecting ideas
  • connection between these two is essential - I'd like to see how bits of weblog posts turn into something more tangible

What my ideal wiki/weblog tool should do:

1. Weblog. Usual one. The only thing I need is something like liveTopics to add keywords to each post. Keywords should not be predefined and shouldn't behave like categories in Movable Type or Radio multiplying content: I need only an index that allows retrieving posts by a keyword (e.g. blog reading).

2. Linkblog. Something as easy as del.icio.us, with only one difference: when I add a keyword the link is added to the same keyword index as weblog posts (so, my posts about blog reading and links on blog reading are indexed on one page).

2.n Ideally I could have other types of logs - e.g. file log, e-mail log, reference log, book log, recipe log. Same: keywords and joint index (with an opportunity of switching indexing off for sensitive stuff).

3. Wiki. Here all the fun starts. When I post something to my weblog or any of other logs it's added to two places: keyword index (see above) and keyword wiki page. This is the time when I want the software to multiply my content: I'd like any new post about blog reading it is automatically copied at the end of wiki page called blogReading". Then I (and others) can do all the usual wiki stuff - editing wiki page making a whole from posts there.

If I add new wiki page, new keyword is added to my keyword index. If I rename a keyword then everything gets renamed and reindexed.

4. Keyword indexes (see above) - list of keywords that leads to keyword wiki pages and keyword indexes (and, of course, these two are linked).

5. Keyword (concept) maps. At least three of them: (1) visualising connections between wiki pages; (2) visualising connections between weblog posts based on co-occurrence of keywords in the same post; (3) integration of the two. All organised as webs (not trees :)

6. RSS feeds of every page (especially indexes, so people can subscribe to a keyword).

7. (just dreaming ;) Time-travel machine that keeps track and visualises changes in weblog posts, wiki pages, keyword maps.

That's it. Should not be that difficult given existing technologies. Even time-travel machines do exist. The only thing which is not in this picture is access rights (e.g. blogging to the world, to a group, to yourself). Have to think about it.

If you have a tool that integrates 1-6 I would switch to it.

5:07:43 PM    

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3:48:25 PM    

1020日     時尚的追求者






    這 群人的腦筋頑固無比,一旦下了決定,就非得貫徹執行不可,絕沒有絲毫退讓的空間。所幸他們的態度非常明理,對于情緒的控制能力也相當不錯,所以只要有道 理,他們就可能會接受﹔如果能有實際的范例就更好了,這樣他們即使一開始不能接受,最后也一定會就心采納。至于能否學會誠懇地認借,則是他們向前跨越的重 要關鍵。



    10 月20日出生的人會受到數字2(2+0=2)和月亮的影響。通常數字2代表的是溫和、優雅、富想象力,此外也相當敏感易怒,不太能受刺激,很容易因為他人 的批評或忽視而受傷。月亮、金星(天秤座的主宰行星)和冥王星(天蠍座的主宰行星)的結合,使他們經常受到財富和官能性享樂的強烈吸引。


    今 天出生的人有時會遭遇到不尋常的健康問題,所以必須在飲食與生活上小心地照料自己,否則會引發身體功能障礙之虞。他們對周遭環境非常敏感,因此罹患各種過 敏、氣喘、關節炎和免疫系統方面疾病的機率也會增高。這一天出生的人若能針對飲食習慣做必要的改變,將會有很大的說明,例如,采用無膠飲食、祛除乳制品和 過敏物質所導致的痰。劇烈的運動能適度排除體內積存的毒素,不過更積極的作法,還是遠離食品添加物和防腐劑為妙。人體的生物性活動,例如性愛或生兒育女, 可說明他們腳踏實地、保持穩定。



名 人

    里德(John Reed),美國共產黨員、無政府主義者,在37歲壯年即逝世,為電影《烽火赤焰萬里情》所影射的男主角。


    英國建筑師魏倫爵士(Sir Christopher Wren),負責倫敦大火后的重建工作,共設計了51座教學,聖保羅大教學也是他的杰作。

    美國首位重量級爵士樂作曲家摩頓(Jelly Roll Morton),同時也是鋼琴家。

    貝拉路盧卡西(Bela Lugosl)匈牙利裔美籍恐怖電影演員,曾參與《吸血鬼》的演出。

    英國物理學家查德威克爵士(Sir James Chadwick),因發現中子而榮獲諾貝爾物理學獎,第二次世界大戰期間曾領導英國的原子彈研制工作。


    大 秘儀塔羅眚的第20張是"審判"。這張牌鼓勵當事者拋開物質上的束縛,尋求更高境界的靈性生活。牌面的圖案是吹著號角的天使,象征負有重任的嶄新的一天。 這張牌正立時代表具有超越自我,發掘無窮潛力的正面特質﹔牌面倒立時則代表﹔號角聲多半報喜不報憂,容易沉溺在歡樂的追逐中,并且缺少面對憂傷的能力。







11:25:47 AM