
KM Europe 2004: highlights.

Back from KM Europe... Some highlights:

  • VIP pass from Knowledge Board team so I could go to all keynotes
  • Bean bags in a coffee area that worked well as a metaphor a couple of times: talking about technology that shapes around you and thinking about shaping workplaces to make you happy.
  • Getting a group of people for lunch, promising to show them "a place with a better food" and discovering that all "better food" places in a congress centre were closed.
  • Free WiFi area given that commercial rates are pretty high (Martin Roell suggested that this was an intended hole in a network made by geeks for other geeks :)
  • Fun of introducing people in a meaningful (I hope :) way
  • KMwalk in Red Light District
  • Thinking on "amplified networking" inspired by Karl-Erik Sveiby and Dave Snowden
  • Martin Dugage walking to the coffee corner when I was sure he wouldn't be at KM Europe
  • 40+ people at personal KM workshop, energy of conversations in the room and thrill of facilitating it
  • PKM dinner fun: people, talks, cockroach killed, food, collecting dinner payments from 35 people, more talking¡K
  • Future PKM research planning with Piers Young and Florian Heidecke
  • Finding out that Roberta Cuel comes to Enschede (this is where I live :)
  • Not finding energy to join Heiko Haller for a tango party, but finding that I can actually dance it in a middle of coffee area
  • Invitation from Richard McDermott to join his workshop and discovering his work on knowledge work
  • Talking with John Seely Brown about weblogs, wikis, legitimised theft and meeting at Hawaii
  • People I have never met recognising my face or my name or telling that they read my weblog
  • Not being able to visit any vendor stands
  • Meeting people, conversations and a sense of community

Thinking themes:

  • "Amplified networking"
  • Personal productivity factors
  • Managing "personal knowledge managers": simple rules and emergence, getting things done, organisational support and critical mass
  • Triggering reflection
  • "Fear factor": fear as a barrier, fear as a driving force
  • Different types of networks
  • Learning to be
  • Defining community and community boundaries

Many notes drafted, hope to post them during coming days (and if you want to help you can cross your fingers to make C&T 2005 deadline extended, so I can blog :)

This post appears on channel KM Europe

2:59:49 PM    

Open Source Repository Search. Hey, this is pretty neat - a search engine for bits of computer code. By Matt Pasiewicz, EDUCAUSE Blog, November 11, 2004 [Refer][Research][Reflect] [OLDaily]
2:37:24 PM    

Learning Objects: Toys or The Real Thing?. Read-only wiki page set up by Alan Levine to supplement his talk in New Zealand. A keeper mostly because of the links to some "up and coming" learning object authoring tools: [APOLLO] (University of Calgary), [Pachyderm 2.0] (New Media Consortium), and [Connexions] (Rice University). Via James Farmer. By Alan Levine, KiwiWiki, November 8, 2004 [Refer][Research][Reflect] [OLDaily]
2:36:21 PM    

RS3 - The RSS Aggregator Killer?. I've been trying to get the word out (specifically to Adam Curry) about a project I've created on SourceForge (link here), called RS3, that takes a set of RSS feeds, crawls and scrapes the _original_ article linked to in each feed item, summarizes that page, and then optionally converts that text summary to speech and a playlist. A set of ogg files is created from this which is wrapped up in an M3U playlist which can be copied to your favorite media player. So, in essence, you can have your RSS feeds actually read aloud to you through a podcast on any media player or PC. [Doc Searls' IT Garage - News, ideas and real world stories about how IT folks solve their own problems]
2:20:08 PM